(Monday, May 30, 2005)
The Senate met at 11:00 a.m. pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the President.
The roll was called and the following Senators were present:iiArmbrister, Averitt, Barrientos, Brimer, Carona, Deuell, Duncan, Ellis, Eltife, Estes, Fraser, Gallegos, Harris, Hinojosa, Jackson, Janek, Lindsay, Lucio, Madla, Nelson, Ogden, Seliger, Shapiro, Shapleigh, Staples, VanideiPutte, Wentworth, West, Whitmire, Williams, Zaffirini.
The President announced that a quorum of the Senate was present.
The Reverend Dan Gentry Kent, University Christian Church, Fort Worth, offered the invocation as follows:
Father, we pause now to thank You for all of Your blessings. We thank You for this new day and its opportunities. We thank You for this Memorial Day and all that it represents. Bless those who remember today and those who travel. We thank You for the work done by this session. Bless what is done today. May it be a fitting and appropriate conclusion to our task. We conclude in the words of an old Hebrew prayer:
From the cowardice that shrinks from new truths,
From the laziness that is content with half-truths, and
From the arrogance that thinks it knows all the truth,
O God of Truth, deliver us. Amen.
Senator Whitmire moved that the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of yesterday be dispensed with and the Journal be approved as printed.
The motion prevailed without objection.
Austin, Texas
May 30, 2005
The Honorable President of the Senate
Senate Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. President:
I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has taken the following action:
HB 872 (131 Yeas, 7 Nays, 2 Present, not voting)
HB 1068 (non-record vote)
HB 2129 (non-record vote)
HB 2309 (non-record vote)
HB 2423 (non-record vote)
HB 2702 (120 Yeas, 9 Nays, 2 Present, not voting)
SB 14 (non-record vote)
SB 52 (non-record vote)
SB 408 (non-record vote)
SB 409 (non-record vote)
SB 805 (non-record vote)
SB 809 (non-record vote)
SB 872 (138 Yeas, 2 Nays, 2 Present, not voting)
SB 1188 (non-record vote)
SB 1227 (105 Yeas, 41 Nays, 1 Present, not voting)
HB 183 (134 Yeas, 8 Nays, 2 Present, not voting)
HB 925 (non-record vote)
HB 2481 (non-record vote)
HB 3001 (142 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 Present, not voting)
/s/Robert Haney, Chief Clerk
House of Representatives
Senator Harris offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS, One of the most beloved Senate employees is also one of the most outstanding, and Detta Haffelder is truly a worthy recipient of the legislative Betty King Public Service Award; and
WHEREAS, Administrative Director for Senator John Carona, Detta is known for her abiding loyalty to her senator and to her co-workers and for her dedication to helping the citizens of Senatorial District 16; and
WHEREAS, Detta's tact and charm while dealing with seemingly impossible requests from Senator Carona's constituents recall the tact and charm of her cherished friend and mentor, Betty King; and
5096 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
WHEREAS, Detta began her legislative career in the House of Representatives in June of 1966 but came to the Senate from the office of Representative Libby Linebarger in August of 1994 to work for another one of her favorite bosses, Senator Bill Sims; Detta joined the staff of Senator John Carona in August of 1997 and feels herself truly blessed to have such a wonderful and understanding boss; and
WHEREAS, Ever cheerful, Detta has a kind word for one and all; a lively companion and trusted friend, Detta has endeared herself to all who are privileged to know her; and
WHEREAS, Few people love the Senate and its traditions more than Detta Haffelder, and she is truly an exemplary role model for all young people entering public service; now, therefore,be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,79th Legislature, hereby commend Detta Haffelder for her superb Senate service and congratulate her on being named the 2005 legislative recipient of the Betty King Public Service Award; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for Detta as an expression of high regard and esteem from the Texas Senate.
SRi1103 was read.
Senator Harris offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS, The employees of the Engrossing and Enrolling Room are little known outside their department but they have consistently distinguished themselves by their knowledge, their professionalism, their dedication to public service, and, above all, their loyalty to the Senate; and
WHEREAS, In a richly deserved recognition of this outstanding work on behalf of the Texas Senate, the staff of the department has been named this session's administrative recipient of the Betty King Public Service Award; and
WHEREAS, It would be hard to single out one individual in the department, for each one excels in that individual's own area; but E and E's chief asset has always been its extraordinary teamwork; "All for one and one for all" is not only the motto of the three musketeers but also of E and E; and
WHEREAS, Whether lawyer, proofreader, bill clerk, editor, writer, docutech operator, or typist, all take pride in their work and in their department; all willingly help out one another, and marathon proofing sessions are the end of session norm; and
WHEREAS, The department has many longtime employees, and their shared history has further strengthened their friendships and high regard for one another and their commitment to work together for the best product; and
WHEREAS, Despite the long, grueling hours the department works during a session, spirits remain high and laughter is often heard throughout the department; and
WHEREAS, Often handed seemingly impossible workloads with daunting time constraints, E and E, in true Betty King style, always rises to the challenge, exceeds expectations, and achieves excellence; now, therefore, be it
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5097
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby commend the entire staff of the Engrossing and Enrolling Department for their superlative service to the Texas Senate and congratulate them on being named the 2005 administrative recipient of the Betty King Public Service Award; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for E and E as an expression of sincere gratitude for a job well done from the Texas Senate.
SR 1102 was read.
On motion of Senator Wentworth and by unanimous consent, the names of the Lieutenant Governor and Senators were added to the resolutions as signers thereof.
On motion of Senator Harris, SRi1103 and SRi1102 were adopted without objection.
Senator Barrientos offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize John Henry Brown on the occasion of his retirement from the Texas Senate; and
WHEREAS, John began his culinary career as a cook in the United States Army; he worked for over 42 years at the legendary Night Hawk Restaurant in Austin, then moved to another legend when he joined the staff of Lieutenant Governor Bob Bullock as cook; and
WHEREAS, Throughout his career, John has been noted for his quick wit and easygoing nature, and he quickly established himself as both a team player and natural leader in the lieutenant governor's kitchen; and
WHEREAS, A civic-minded citizen, John is a member of the Capitol City Lions Club and has supported activities sponsored by Huston-Tillotson University for many years; and
WHEREAS, He is a lifelong member of the Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, where he is a member of the Trustee Board and the Greeters Ministry; he has volunteered many hours cooking breakfasts for church members and has catered many special events at the church; and
WHEREAS, An invaluable member of the Texas Senate staff, John is admired and respected by his colleagues, and his presence in the lieutenant governor's kitchen will be greatly missed; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby commend John Henry Brown for his many contributions to our state and extend to him best wishes for the retirement years ahead; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for him as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
SR 1003 was again read.
The resolution was previously adopted on Tuesday, Mayi24, 2005.
5098 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
Senator Barrientos was recognized and introduced to the Senate John Henry Brown; his wife, Nehoma Brown; his daughter, Linda Brown; and friends, Bernice Mays and Mary Lyn Bragner.
The Senate welcomed its guests.
Senator Lucio offered the following resolution:
SR 957, In memory of United States District Judge Filemon B. Velaiof South Texas.
The resolution was again read.
Senator Lucio was recognized and introduced to the Senate family members of Filemon B. Vela: his widow, Blanca Vela, and his granddaughter, Alexandra Vela Cooke.
The Senate welcomed its guests and extended its sympathy.
The resolution was previously adopted on Friday, May 20, 2005.
In honor of the memory of United States District Judge Filemon B. Vela, the text of SRi957 is printed at the end of today's Senate Journal.
Senator Van de Putte offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pride in joining citizens across America in observing our national holiday, Memorial Day, on Monday, May 30, 2005; and
WHEREAS, Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and was first observed on Mayi30, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers; in 1968, Congress designated the last Monday in May as Memorial Day; and
WHEREAS, On Memorial Day, we pay homage to those who lost their lives fighting for our nation, for it is due to their courage and sacrifice that today our nation is free and prosperous; and
WHEREAS, This special day is an opportunity for Americans everywhere to express their heartfelt gratitude to the United States veterans, both living and dead, for the valor and dedication they have shown on behalf of our beloved country; today, there are over 1.5 million veterans living in Texas and deserving of our praise; and
WHEREAS, Those who died for their country in World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and other conflicts have left behind legacies of courage and devotion for generations of American citizens, as well as memories that will be treasured forever in the hearts and minds of all who knew them; and
WHEREAS, It is a grateful nation today that reflects upon our American heritage and recognizes the extreme sacrifices made by all who serve in the armed forces; now, therefore, be it
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5099
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby express appreciation to all the brave men and women who have served our great country and honor the memory of those who died on its behalf; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared in honor of all who sacrificed their lives to protect our nation.
SR 1105 was read and was adopted without objection.
Senator VanideiPutte was recognized and introduced to the Senate family members of Henry Ybarra III: his widow, Lillian Ybarra; his brother, Anthony Ybarra; and his children, Alyssa, Gabrielle, and Henry Ybarra.
The Senate welcomed its guests.
On motion of Senator Whitmire, the Senate at 12:24 p.m. recessed until 1:45ip.m. today.
The Senate met at 3:12 p.m. and was called to order by the President.
Austin, Texas
May 30, 2005
The Honorable President of the Senate
Senate Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. President:
I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has taken the following action:
HCR 230, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 3152.
HCR 234, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 2157.
HCR 237, Honoring Jose Montemayor for his outstanding public service on the occasion of his retirement as Texas insurance commissioner.
HCR 239, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 1126.
HCR 241, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 1068.
/s/Robert Haney, Chief Clerk
House of Representatives
5100 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
Senator Zaffirini offered the following resolution:
SR 1033, In memory of John C. Nabors of Dallas.
The resolution was read.
Senator Zaffirini was recognized and introduced to the Senate family members of John Nabors: his widow, Kathleen Mary Nabors; his daughter, Sarah Nabors; and family friend, Amie Ranaghan.
The Senate welcomed its guests and extended its sympathy.
On motion of Senator Zaffirini, SRi1033 was adopted by a rising vote of the Senate.
In honor of the memory of John C. Nabors of Dallas, the text of the resolution is printed at the end of today's Senate Journal.
Senator Lucio offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on his election as Pope of the Roman Catholic Church; and
WHEREAS, Cardinal Ratzinger chose Benedict XVI as his title, recalling Pope Benedict XV, who led the Church through World War I, and Saint Benedict of Norcia, whose life evoked the Christian roots of Europe; and
WHEREAS, Ordained into the priesthood in 1951, Pope Benedict XVI was particularly influenced by the teachings of Saint Augustine; he served as a professor at several universities throughout Germany, including the University of Bonn and the University of Münster, and in 1966 he assumed a chair in dogmatic theology at the University of Tübingen; and
WHEREAS, In 1977, he was named a cardinal by Pope Paul VI, and four years later he was named by Pope John Paul II to be prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; he became vice-dean of the College of Cardinals in 1998 and dean in 2002; and
WHEREAS, Pope Benedict XVI, during his first general audience in Saint Peter's Square in Rome, has expressed his intention to place his ministry in the service of reconciliation and harmony between peoples; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,79th Legislature, hereby wish Pope Benedict XVI a time of peace and goodwill during his papacy; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
SR 966 was again read.
On motion of Senator Armbrister and by unanimous consent, the names of the Lieutenant Governor and Senators were added to the resolution as signers thereof.
The resolution was previously adopted on Friday, May 20, 2005.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5101
On motion of Senator Whitmire, the Senate at 3:26 p.m. recessed until 4:00ip.m. today.
The Senate met at 3:52 p.m. and was called to order by the President.
(Caucus Report)
Senator Whitmire offered the following resolution:
SECTIONi1.iiCAUCUS REPORT. At a caucus held on Mayi30,i2005, and attended by 17 members of the senate, the caucus made the recommendations for the operation of the senate contained in this resolution.
SECTIONi2.iiEMPLOYEES. (a)iiThe lieutenant governor may employ the employees necessary for the operation of the office of the lieutenant governor from the closing of this session and until the convening of the next session. The lieutenant governor and the secretary of the senate shall be furnished postage, telegraph, telephone, express, and all other expenses incident to their respective offices.
(b)iiThe secretary of the senate is the chief executive administrator and shall be retained during the interval between adjournment of this session and the convening of the next session of the legislature. The secretary of the senate may employ the employees necessary for the operation of the senate and to perform duties as may be required in connection with the business of the state from the closing of this session and until the convening of the next session.
(c)iiEach senator may employ secretarial and other office staff for the senator's office.
(d)iiThe chairman of the administration committee is authorized to retain a sufficient number of staff employees to conclude the work of the enrolling clerk, calendar clerk, journal clerk, and sergeant-at-arms. The administration committee shall establish the salaries for the senate staff.
SECTIONi3.iiSENATE OFFICERS. (a)iiThe following elected officers of the 79th Legislature shall serve for the interval between adjournment of this session and the convening of the next session of the legislature:
(1)iiSecretary of the Senate–Patsy Spaw;
(2)iiCalendar Clerk–Linda Tubbs;
(3)iiDoorkeeper–Roy Lawrence;
(4)iiEnrolling Clerk–Mardi Alexander;
(5)iiJournal Clerk–Dianne Arrington; and
(6)iiSergeant-at-Arms–Carleton Turner.
(b)iiAll employees and elected officers of the senate shall operate under the direct supervision of the secretary of the senate during the interim.
(c)iiOfficers named in this section serve at the will of the senate.
5102 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
SECTIONi4.iiDUTIES OF CHAIRMAN OF ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE. (a)iiThe chairman of the administration committee shall place the senate chamber in order and purchase supplies and make all necessary repairs and improvements between the adjournment of this session and the convening of the next session of the legislature.
(b)iiThe chairman shall make an inventory of all furniture and fixtures in the senate chamber and in the private offices of the members, as well as of the supplies and equipment on hand in the purchasing and supply department and shall close the books for the Regular Session of the 79th Legislature.
(c)iiThe chairman shall not acquire any equipment on a rental/purchase plan unless the equipment is placed on the senate inventory at the termination of the plan.
(d)iiThe chairman shall examine records and accounts payable out of the contingent expense fund as necessary to approve all claims and accounts against the senate, and no claim or account shall be paid without the consent and approval of the chairman.
(e)iiThe chairman and any member of the administration committee shall be entitled to receive actual and necessary expenses incurred during the interim.
(f)iiIn addition to the duties of the administration committee expressly imposed by this resolution, the committee shall take actions necessary to ensure that the administrative operations of the senate comply with applicable law and are conducted effectively and efficiently.
SECTIONi5.iiJOURNAL. (a)iiThe secretary of the senate shall have 325 volumes of the Senate Journal of the Regular Session of the 79th Legislature printed. Two hundred and fifty copies shall be bound in buckram and delivered to the secretary of the senate who shall forward one volume to each member of the senate, the lieutenant governor, and each member of the house of representatives on request.
(b)iiThe printing of the journals shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this resolution under the supervision of the chairman of the administration committee. The chairman shall refuse to receive or receipt for the journals until corrected and published in accordance with the preexisting law as finally approved by the chairman of the administration committee. When the accounts have been certified by the chairman of the administration committee, the accounts shall be paid out of the contingent expense fund of the 79th Legislature.
SECTIONi6.iiPAYMENT OF SALARIES AND EXPENSES. (a)iiSalaries and expenses authorized by this resolution shall be paid out of the per diem and contingent expense fund of the 79th Legislature as provided by this section.
(b)iiThe senate shall request the comptroller of public accounts to issue general revenue warrants for:
(1)iipayment of the employees of the lieutenant governor's office, the lieutenant governor, members of the senate, employees of the senate committees, and employees of the senate, except as provided by Subchapter H, Chapter 660, Government Code, upon presentation of the payroll account signed by the chairman of the administration committee and the secretary of the senate; and
(2)iithe payment of materials, supplies, and expenses of the senate, including travel expenses for members and employees, upon vouchers signed by the chairman of the administration committee and the secretary of the senate.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5103
SECTIONi7.iiEXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT AND PER DIEM. (a)iiIn furtherance of the legislative duties and responsibilities of the senate, the administration committee shall charge to the individual member's office budget:
(1)iithe reimbursement of all actual expenses incurred by the members when traveling in performance of legislative duties and responsibilities or incident to those duties; and
(2)iithe payment of all other reasonable and necessary expenses for the operation of the office of the individual senator during any period the legislature is not in session. Expenditures for these services by the administration committee are authorized as an expense of the senate and shall not be restricted to Austin but may be incurred in individual senatorial districts. Such expenses shall be paid from funds appropriated for the use of the senate on vouchers approved by the chairman of the administration committee and the secretary of the senate in accordance with regulations governing such expenditures.
(b)iiEach senator shall be permitted to employ secretarial and other office staff and for intrastate travel expenses for staff employees a payroll of $34,000 per month. Any unexpended portion of this amount may be carried forward from month to month until the end of the fiscal year. Other expenses, including travel expenses or other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the furtherance and performance of legislative duties or in operation of the member's office or incident thereto, shall be provided in addition to the maximum salary authorized.
(c)iiThe secretary of the senate may order reimbursement for legislative expenses consistent with this resolution and the establishment by the Texas Ethics Commission of per diem rates.
(d)iiAny member of the senate and the lieutenant governor are eligible to receive such reimbursement on application of the member or the lieutenant governor to the secretary of the senate.
(e)iiOn the application of a member of the senate or the lieutenant governor, the applicant shall be entitled to reimbursement for legislative expenses for each legislative day.
(f)iiFor purposes of this section, a legislative day includes each day of a regular or special session of the legislature, including any day the legislature is not in session for a period of four consecutive days or less, and all days the legislature is not in session if the senator or lieutenant governor attends a meeting of a joint, special, or legislative committee as evidenced by the official record of the body, and each day, limited to 12 days per month for non-chairs or 16 days per month for chairs and the lieutenant governor, the senator or the lieutenant governor, including those living within a 50-mile radius, is otherwise engaged in legislative business as evidenced by claims submitted to the chairman of the administration committee.
SECTIONi8.iiMEMBER'S EMPLOYEE LEAVE POLICY. (a)iiAn employee of a senator accrues vacation leave, compensatory leave, or sick leave in accordance with policies adopted by the senator consistent with the requirements of this section.
(b)iiAn employee may accrue vacation leave, compensatory leave, or sick leave only if the employee files a monthly time record with the senate human resources office. Time records are due not later than the 10th day of the following month.
5104 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
(c)iiCompensatory time must be used not later than the last day of the 12th month following the month in which the time was accrued.
(d)iiAn employee is not entitled to compensation for accrued but unused compensatory time.
SECTIONi9.iiDESIGNATION FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS AND FUNCTIONS. (a)iiThe lieutenant governor may appoint any member of the senate, the secretary of the senate, or any other senate employee to attend meetings of the National Conference of State Legislatures and other similar meetings. Necessary and actual expenses are authorized upon the approval of the chairman of the administration committee and the secretary of the senate.
(b)iiThe lieutenant governor may designate a member of the senate to represent the senate at ceremonies and ceremonial functions. The necessary expenses of the senator and necessary staff for this purpose shall be paid pursuant to a budget approved by the administration committee.
SECTIONi10.iiMEETINGS DURING INTERIM. (a)ii Each of the standing committees and subcommittees of the senate of the 79th Legislature may continue to meet at such times and places during the interim as determined by such committees and subcommittees and to hold hearings, recommend legislation, and perform research on matters directed either by resolution, the lieutenant governor, or as determined by majority vote of each committee.
(b)iiEach continuing committee and subcommittee shall continue to function under the rules adopted during the legislative session where applicable.
(c)iiExpenses for the operation of these committees and subcommittees shall be paid pursuant to a budget prepared by each committee and approved by the administration committee.
(d)iiThe operating expenses of these committees shall be paid from the contingent expense fund of the senate, and committee members shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the committees.
SECTIONi11.iiSENATE OFFICES. Members not returning for the 80th Legislature shall vacate their senate offices by December 15, 2006.
SECTIONi12.iiFURNISHING OF INFORMATION BY SENATE EMPLOYEE.iiAn employee of the senate may not furnish any information to any person, firm, or corporation other than general information pertaining to the senate and routinely furnished to the public.
SECTIONi13.iiOUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT. An employee of the senate may not be employed by and receive compensation from any other person, firm, or corporation during the employee's senate employment without the permission of the employee's senate employer.
SECTIONi14.iiREMOVAL OF SENATE PROPERTY. The secretary of the senate is specifically directed not to permit the removal of any of the property of the senate from the senate chamber or the rooms of the senate except as authorized by the chairman of the administration committee.
SRi1104 was read and was adopted without objection.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5105
The President announced that the time had arrived for the election of President Pro Tempore Ad Interim of the 79th Legislature.
Senator Lucio placed in nomination the name of Senator Frank Madla of San Antonio for the office of President Pro Tempore Ad Interim of the 79th Legislature as follows:
Mr. President, Members, it is indeed an honor and a pleasure to nominate my long-time friend and "session neighbor," the Honorable Frank Madla, as President Pro Tempore. Senator Madla is not only my fellow colleague, but he and his lovely wife, Helen, are my personal friends, who live a few doors down from me in the same complex during the legislative session.
Senator Frank Madla has served his constituency and all of Texas for 31 years in the Texas Legislature. Twenty of those years he spent as a Member of the House, and he is now in his eleventh year as a Senator. Working side by side with him on numerous issues through the years has strengthened our bond of friendship, even when we stood on opposite sides of the fence. As Chairman of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Senator Madla has proven his leadership and dedication to every Senator. Each of us files bills every session that directly impact our individual communities and local governments, and we have the good fortune that most of these types of bills are referred to his committee, which he leads with proficiency, professionalism, and fairness.
Through the years as a Texas legislator, Senator Madla has championed important issues that have improved the quality of our lives. This session, Senator Madla has devoted the past 10 years to establish an additional four-year institution of higher education on the South Side of San Antonio. If all holds well, it looks like his efforts may bear fruition this year. Truly, this has been an historical session in the Legislature for Senator Madla. This session, he also passed a law affecting a fast-growing business in Texas, the wine industry. Senate Bill 877 will finally allow direct-to-consumer shipment of wine for both Texas-based wineries and out-of-state wineries. This is also a result of hard work and perseverance for the benefit of the Texas business community and the consumer.
We are both fathers and both grandpas. He is the father of a wonderful son and daughter, Frank III and Marci, and grandfather to a delightful young lady, Aleena. And he is blessed with a wonderful, caring wife, Helen Madla. Her undying love and support knows no boundaries, no limitations. She mothers us all with her caring, cheerful smile, her sweet disposition, and, luckily for us, her home-baked cakes.
Through the years, Senator Madla and I have shared successes, downfalls, challenges, sorrows, and dreams. From our many years of serving together and from our frequent discussions, it became apparent that Senator Madla conducts his private and public business with the highest
5106 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
Senator Madla inspires me daily because of his compassion and heart. As his friend and fellow Senator, I have been one of the beneficiaries of the qualities he displays and regularly tries to improve upon. Throughout the trials and challenges in his life, Senator Madla has turned to God with humility and faith. And when one observes the fruits of his labor and how he has prevailed over difficulties, one can see how truly blessed he is.
Mr. President, Members, it gives me great pleasure to nominate Senator Frank Madla, President Pro Tempore Ad Interim of the 79th Legislature.
Senators Harris, Wentworth, VanideiPutte, Ellis, Nelson, Barrientos, Zaffirini, Gallegos, Hinojosa, Estes, Duncan, Brimer, Shapleigh, Staples, and Whitmire seconded the nomination.
The President declared that the Honorable Frank Madla had been duly elected President Pro Tempore Ad Interim of the 79th Legislature by acclamation.
The President appointed the following committee to escort Senator Madlaiand his party to the President's Rostrum:iiSenators Lucio, Harris, Wentworth, VanideiPutte, and Ellis.
Senator Madla and his party were then escorted to the President's Rostrum by the committee.
The President administered the Oath of Office to Senator Madla as follows:
I, Frank Madla, do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of President Pro Tempore Ad Interim of the Senate of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States and of this state, so help me God.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5107
President Pro Tempore Ad Interim Madla addressed the Senate as follows:
Thank you very much. Let me first thank Governor Dewhurst for swearing me in. And thank all of you for your kind words. It is indeed a privilege to serve with each of you.
It is an honor to serve in the Texas Senate, and I am grateful to the citizens of Senate District 19 for allowing me to represent them.
Many individuals have made it possible for me to be standing before you today. I thank my parents, who invested their lives, money, and shared their love and guidance so that my sister, brother, and I would not have to struggle the way they did.
There were three rules we were expected to follow:iiGet up when Dad got up. That wasn't too bad if you enjoy getting up at 5:00 a.m. Never lie. And when you give your word, never, never, break that commitment unless released by the individual or individuals you gave your word to. I try to always remember their advice.
My wife, Helen, of twenty-eight years, she is my greatest supporter, my dearest, most fun companion on and off the campaign trail. She has stayed by my side through the most difficult times.
My two children, Frank III and Marci, who went without a dad many times because of my involvement in politics. All of my family, including the newest love in my life, my granddaughter, Aleena.
I have been asked many times why I ran for public office in the first place. Actually, it was my students who first dared me to run for office. I was teaching at Saint Philip's College. We were in a lively debate about the most important ingredient in a campaign. I said it was money; they said it was organization. They challenged me, saying, "Run for State Representative. You provide the money, and we'll provide the organization." I lost that race.
Of those who inspired me to get into this profession, there were two individuals who gave much of their time in helping me to get elected in the first place. Both have passed away now. One was a Democrat, the other a Republican. These two individuals taught me to work with Democrats and Republicans.
I want to thank my legislative staff who are also mine and my wife's family. They have made my stay here easier. Carla has been with me for 28 years; Sherry, my Chief of Staff, has been with me for 25 years. We've been through a lot together, grown older, not old, together. Our children have grown up and now have children of their own. We're all grandparents now.
The Intergovernmental Relations Committee staff did an outstanding job this session, as always. We had the most bills of any committee:ii448 bills were referred to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee, and we passed out 348 of them. Senator Brimer is actually responsible for their job performance; he scared them.
5108 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
The combined years of service for all of my staff is 105 years. That's a lot of loyalty, and I am truly blessed to have them and the many others over the years.
I was taught long ago that the secret of success was to create a good first impression. They do that for me. They make those who come into my office feel they are important, because they are. All of my success as a legislator, I owe to them.
They won't let me say any more than this, so I'm just going to ask that they stand up and be recognized. Thank all of you for your hard work and your dedication, for taking care of me, and caring about the constituents who call on us.
Each of you is special, and I respect and value your friendship. I'll mention a few who have taught me so much. I keep reminding myself that the recipe for a good speech is: "Have a good introduction and a good ending and keep them as close together as possible."
I was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1973. Price Daniel, Jr., was Speaker of the House, Bill Hobby was Lieutenant Governor, and Dolph Briscoe was Governor.
I have been fortunate to have served with many wonderful people, people with colorful personalities, sometimes hot tempers, but, without exception, people with warm hearts and good intentions.
I had the privilege of serving with the late Frank Tejeda in the House. Later, he was elected to the Senate and, eventually, to Congress. Frank and I were so close that when I got a headache, Frank took two Tylenol. He grew up in South San Antonio. He made sure that I was adopted as a South-sider. He was an effective public official, a good friend, a good man, and he is sorely missed. The State of Texas still benefits from the good things he was able to accomplish.
Senator Lucio and I have served in the Legislature together for almost 20 years and became even closer since 1993 when I was first elected to the Texas Senate.
We sat next to each other at the William B. Clements building where the Senate met while the Capitol was being renovated. As you know, both Eddie and I have difficulty hearing. We spent the entire session saying, "Huh." Senator Whitmire sat behind us and carried on the most humorous conversations. Senator Whitmire, I'm still trying to figure out who you were talking to.
Senator Lucio and I have been on one hunting and one fishing trip. Neither was successful. Maybe it's because Senator Lucio showed up with a cell phone and grapefruits. I showed up with my camera and no film. I've never seen anyone bait their hook with a grapefruit.
It didn't take me long to know that I wanted to be on Senator Harris' side. He has been a close advisor, a great friend. Over the past few years, my life has had some deep valleys. Senator Harris stuck with me through the valleys. Senator Harris, thank you for always being there and for your friendship.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5109
Senator Barrientos, you and I have been on opposite sides of the political spectrum many times. But I have the utmost respect for your willingness to speak up for issues that aren't always popular. Every legislative body needs a Gonzalo Barrientos. The Texas Senate is fortunate to have you as a Member.
My three-year-old granddaughter saw Senator Brimer and said, "Look, Po-Po, Mr. Incredible," from one of her cartoon shows. And, as Vice-chair of Intergovernmental Relations, I sort of think that about him myself. I could not have asked for a more dependable Co-chair in Intergovernmental Relations. The Senate is fortunate to have you. He's down-to-earth, reasonable, and caring. What you see is what you get with him. And, as with Senator Harris, he's not as mean as he looks.
The one most indelible mental image I have over the past 32 years in the Legislature is of Senator Wentworth when we were serving together in the House. I looked over one late evening, the Speaker had the air conditioning way down low, and it was freezing. There sat Jeff with his suit coat pulled over his head.
I respect Senator Wentworth. I respect his independence. I respect that he tries to vote to represent his constituents. Jeff and I have become close friends. But I still don't understand why you won't let our wives go shopping together.
Senator Duncan and Senator Staples, who have helped me in representing the rural and remote areas of West Texas, it's important to understand the needs and to be a voice for those who don't always speak up, I appreciate what these two Members have taught me about rural and remote areas of Texas.
I have served with Senator Ellis since 1993 and, like Gonzalo, he works hard to be a voice for the voiceless. I admire his ability to use humor in such a way that, even if you think you're getting the best of him, he can make people laugh at you.
I also admire Senator Armbrister for his leadership in this Senate. I have watched him over many years, and he continues to amaze me. He is well-informed, articulate, and brilliant. He has taught me a lot about water issues. Senator Armbrister, I thank you for being my friend, my advisor, and my teacher.
Senators Shapiro, Zaffirini, VanideiPutte, and Nelson, I thank you for all you bring to the Senate and for all you have done and try to do to make this a better state for families, for children. Whoever said women were the weaker sex didn't serve in the Texas Senate with you.
Senator Ogden, thank you for all the work you did this year in Senate Finance. You are a great chair for that committee, and you have handled well tough issues in a difficult session. I know you have worked hard to try to be fair to communities across the state.
I also want to say how much I admire and appreciate Patsy and all of our central staff. You are not only the engine of the Senate, you are also the wheels. We could not function without you, and you do it with efficiency
5110 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
Governor Dewhurst, when I first met you in 1993, I was impressed with your openness, your genuine concern for this state. As Lieutenant Governor, you had faith in me when I was experiencing some of the most difficult times in my life. I am always grateful for the trust you extended to me.
You are fair, hard-working, and sensitive to the feelings of 31 Senators. Governor Dewhurst, you are a tall Texan in more ways than one.
It is a privilege to serve with all of you. Our work here isn't about who is right or who is wrong but, together, of doing what is the best for all Texans.
As we leave and go in different directions, I will keep you in my prayers. God bless each of you.
On motion of Senator Lucio and by unanimous consent, the Senate policy that governs the release of videotapes of the Senate proceedings was waived in order to grant the request of President Pro Tempore Madla for a videotape of today's session.
The Presidentiannounced the presence of Govenor Rick Perry.
The Senate welcomed its guest.
Austin, Texas
May 30, 2005
The Honorable President of the Senate
Senate Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. President:
I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has taken the following action:
HCR 229, Designating the day after sine die adjournment of the regular session as Texas Smile Day.
HCR 235, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in House Bill No. 3376.
HCR 236, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 1763.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5111
HCR 240, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives to make corrections in House Bill 908.
SCR 42, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make technical corrections to Senate Bill No. 568.
/s/Robert Haney, Chief Clerk
House of Representatives
The President laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 2110 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate; and
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct House Bill No. 2110 in the SECTION of the bill that adds Section 30.05(h), Penal Code, by striking "has the meaning assigned by Section 46.15" and substituting the following:
"means another state with which the attorney general of this state, with the approval of the governor of this state, negotiated an agreement after determining that the other state:
(1)iihas firearm proficiency requirements for peace officers; and
(2)iifully recognizes the right of peace officers commissioned in this state to carry weapons in the other state".
HCR 233 was read.
On motion of Senator Eltife and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
(Senator Brimer in Chair)
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HBi1068 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate and is being prepared for enrollment; and
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct House Bill No. 1068 by striking, in SECTION 11 of the bill, in amended Section 411.148, Government Code, in Subsection (f), "and the Texas Youth Commission, as appropriate,".
5112 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
HCR 241 was read.
On motion of Senator Hinojosa and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
Senator Lucio was recognized and introduced to the Senate his deputy chief of staff, Stephen Rosales, who is retiring at the end of the session.
The Senate welcomed its guest.
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 2157 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate; and
WHEREAS, H.B. No. 2157 contains a technical error that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct H.B. No. 2157, in added Subsection (g), Section 21A.301, Insurance Code, in the last sentence of that subsection, by striking "Subsection (j)" and substituting "Subsection (i)".
HCR 234 was read.
On motion of Senator Harris and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
On motion of Senator Estes and by unanimous consent, Senate Rule 8.02 was suspended to take up for consideration SRi1081 at this time on its second reading:
WHEREAS, The Brazos River Authority was created by the Texas Legislature in Chapter 221, Water Code; and
WHEREAS, The leaseholders and residents of the Possum Kingdom Community have invested heavily in improvements to those parcels of land and development of the Possum Kingdom Community in general; and
WHEREAS, The unencumbered, underdeveloped land surrounding Possum Kingdom Lake adds value to the area property today and preserves the natural beauty of Possum Kingdom Lake for future generations; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby direct the Brazos River Authority to work with the leaseholders and residents of Possum Kingdom Lake Community on the future direction of the area; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the Brazos River Authority not engage in divestiture of real property before the 80th Legislative Session and that legislators have an opportunity for input into this complex and important activity; and, be it further
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5113
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be forwarded to the chair of the Brazos River Authority as an expression of the sentiment of the Texas Senate.
SR 1081 was read second time and adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 1763 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate; and
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical and typographical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to make the following corrections:
(1)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.1071, Water Code, in amended Subsection (d), strike "as provided by Section 16.0122".
(2)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.1071, Water Code, in amended Subsection (f), strike "beneficial use a district" and substitute "beneficial use. The district".
(3)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.1072, Water Code, in amended Subsection (c)(1), strike "may suspend the approval" and substitute "may require revisions to the approved groundwater conservation district management plan".
(4)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.108, Water Code, in amended Subsection (c), strike "or their designee" and substitute "or the presiding officer's designee".
(5)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.108, Water Code, in
added Subsection (d), strike "Not later than five years after the effective date of this
subsection and every five years thereafter, During the joint planning process," and
substitute "Not later than September 1, 2010, and every five years thereafter,".
(6)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.108, Water Code, in added Subsection (d-1), between "adopted by" and "two-thirds", insert "a".
(7)iiIn the SECTION of the bill that amends Section 36.108, Water Code, in added Subsection (n), strike "submit it to the development board" and substitute "submit the conditions to the development board".
HCR 236 was read.
On motion of Senator Armbrister and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 908 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate and is being prepared for enrollment; and
5114 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct House Bill No. 908 as follows:
(1)iiStrike the recital to SECTION 1 of the bill and substitute "Section 2155.062(d), Government Code, is amended to read as follows:".
(2)iiIn Section 2155.062, Government Code, as amended by SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Subsection (a).
HCR 240 was read.
On motion of Senator Estes and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution..
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 3152 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate; and
WHEREAS, H.B. No. 3152 contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct H.B. No. 3152 as follows:
(1)iiIn amended Subsection (g), Article 1.051, Code of Criminal Procedure, immediately before the colon, strike "proceedings" and substitute "the proceedings".
(2)iiIn amended Subsection (g), Article 1.051, Code of Criminal Procedure, in the third complete sentence of the blocked text, between "counsel" and "if", insert "appointed for me free of charge".
HCR 230 was read.
On motion of Senator Ellis and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 1126 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate and is being prepared for enrollment; and
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct House Bill No. 1126 as follows:
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5115
Strike SECTION 8 of the bill and substitute the following:
SECTIONi8.iiThe change in law made by this Act to Chapters 104 and 191, Health and Safety Code, applies only to the furnishing of data under Chapters 104 and 191, Health and Safety Code, or a rule adopted under those chapters that is originally required to be furnished on or after the effective date of this Act. The furnishing of data originally required to be furnished before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it existed immediately before that date, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
HCR 239 was read.
On motion of Senator Madla and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HBi3376 has been adopted by the house of representatives, has been enrolled by the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives, and is being prepared to be sent to the senate; and
WHEREAS, House Bill No. 3376 contains a technical error that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the signature of the speaker of the house of representatives be declared null and void and that the speaker be authorized to remove the speaker's signature from enrolled House Bill No.i3376; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be hereby
instructed to correct House Bill No.i3376 by inserting in amended Section 35.02,
Penal Code, in Subsection (c), between "Subsection (a)" and "[this section]", "or (b)".
HCR 235 was read.
On motion of Senator Lucio and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
The Presiding Officer laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 2201 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate and is being prepared for enrollment; and
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical and typographical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to make the following corrections:
5116 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
(1)iiIn SECTION 6 of the bill, amended Section 5.001(6)(C), Water Code (conference committee report, page 9, line 7), between "FutureGen" and "profile", insert "project".
(2)iiIn SECTION 6 of the bill, amended Section 5.001(6)(D), Water Code (conference committee report, page 9, line 11), between "FutureGen" and "profile", insert "project".
(3)iiIn SECTION 6 of the bill, amended Section 5.001(6)(E), Water Code (conference committee report, page 9, line 15), between "FutureGen" and "profile", insert "project".
(4)iiIn SECTION 6 of the bill, amended Section 5.001(6)(F), Water Code (conference committee report, page 9, line 20), between "FutureGen" and "profile", insert "project".
(5)iiIn SECTION 13(2) of the bill (conference committee report, page 13, line 18), strike "Section 5.558" and substitute "under Sections 5.558 and 27.022".
HCR 238 was read.
On motion of Senator Estes and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
Austin, Texas
May 30, 2005
The Honorable President of the Senate
Senate Chamber
Austin, Texas
Mr. President:
I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has taken the following action:
HCR 245, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 2702.
HCR 246, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 1172.
HCR 248, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections to H.B. No. 2481.
HCR 250, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections to S.B. No. 1863.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5117
SCR 43, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 39 relating to forensic evidence training for students enrolled in certain medical or nursing degree programs.
/s/Robert Haney, Chief Clerk
House of Representatives
(President in Chair)
The President laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 2702 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate and is being prepared for enrollment; and
WHEREAS, The bill contains technical errors that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct House Bill No. 2702 as follows:
(1)iiOn page 4, line 2, strike "228" and substitute "223".
(2)iiOn page 4, line 3, strike "with regard to a toll project".
(3)iiOn page 4, line 7, strike "228" and substitute "223".
(4)iiOn page 4, line 8, strike "for toll projects".
(5)iiOn page 16, lines 2-3, strike "entity designated by an agency of the United States" and substitute "appropriate public agency or private entity with or".
(6)iiOn page 26, line 27, strike "of a" (first instance) and substitute "on a".
(7)iiOn page 27, line 1, strike "a new location of" and substitute "such".
(8)iiOn page 31, line 23, strike "222.104(c)" and substitute "222.104(d)(1)".
(9)iiOn page 32, line 9, strike "(c)" and substitute "(d)(1)".
(10)iiOn page 37, line 20, between "(e)" and "if", insert "or prequalified under Subsection (e-1)".
(11)iiOn page 49, strike lines 4-24 and substitute:
Sec.i227.004.iiENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. (a) The department shall include in a draft or final environmental impact statement prepared as part of the environmental review of a Trans-Texas Corridor project information detailing:
(1)iithe reasons for the immediate and future needs of the project;
(2)iithe reasonableness of and necessity for the project; and
(3)iiafter a segment of the project has advanced:
(A)iithe reasons for the immediate and future needs for each mode of transportation in that segment of the project; and
(B)iithe reasonableness and necessity for each mode of transportation in that segment of the project.
(b)iiAfter receiving approval from the federal government, the department shall:
(1)iipost the final environmental impact statement on the department's Internet website, along with information concerning where a copy of the environmental impact statement may be reviewed or obtained; and
5118 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
(2)iiprovide notice to each state senator and representative who represents all or part of the area in which a segment of the project is located, and the commissioners court of each county in which a segment of the project is located, that the environmental impact statement is available on the department's Internet website.
(12)iiOn page 53B, line 14, between "conservation district" and the comma, insert "or a subsidence district".
(13)iiOn page 58, line 3, strike "or" and substitute "for".
(14)iiOn page 63, line 22, between "under" and "a" insert this chapter, and a payment received by the department under".
(15)iiOn page 64, line 14, strike "turnpike" and substitute "toll".
(16)iiOn page 149, lines 26 and 27, strike "and 361.140-361.142" and substitute ", 361.140 and 361.141".
HCR 245 was read.
On motion of Senator Staples and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
The President laid before the Senate the following resolution:
WHEREAS, HB 2481 has been adopted by the house of representatives and the senate and is being prepared for enrollment; and
WHEREAS, the bill contains a technical error that should be corrected; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, That the enrolling clerk of the house of representatives be instructed to correct House Bill No. 2481, in the section of the bill adding Section 382.0173(c)(2)(C), Health and Safety Code, between "the" and "unit", by inserting "fossil fuel fired".
HCR 248 was read.
On motion of Senator Harris and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.
All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution.
Senator Whitmire offered the following Motion In Writing:
Mr. President:
I move that the President be authorized to appoint two committees of five (5) Members each to notify the Governor and the House of Representatives that the Senate has completed its business and is ready to adjourn sine die.
The Motion In Writing was read and was adopted without objection.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5119
Accordingly, the President appointed the following Committee to Notify the Governor:iiSenators Madla, Eltife, Seliger, Zaffirini, and Wentworth and the following Committee to Notify the House of Representatives:iiSenators Brimer, VanideiPutte, Harris, Jackson, and Barrientos.
On motion of Senator Whitmire, the Senate of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session, at 6:53ip.m. agreed to adjourn sine die, in memory of Filemon B. Vela of South Texas and John C. Nabors of Dallas, subject to the completion of administrative duties.
The President announced the signing of the following enrolled bills and resolutions in the presence of the Senate after the captions had been read:
SBi23, SBi30, SBi40, SBi42, SBi44, SBi45, SBi51, SBi91, SBi111, SBi122, SBi132, SBi151, SBi155, SBi166, SBi183, SBi269, SBi296, SBi327, SBi331, SBi343, SBi356, SBi369, SBi451, SBi522, SBi532, SBi573, SBi610, SBi623, SBi630, SBi658, SBi716, SBi732, SBi747, SBi781, SBi826, SBi827, SBi837, SBi851, SBi890, SBi921, SBi993, SBi995, SBi1037, SBi1044, SBi1050, SBi1074, SBi1112, SBi1130, SBi1146, SBi1149, SBi1170, SBi1175, SBi1192, SBi1195, SBi1246, SBi1255, SBi1264, SBi1283, SBi1340, SBi1433, SBi1452, SBi1481, SBi1525, SBi1528, SBi1551, SBi1570, SBi1579, SBi1626, SBi1652, SBi1691, SBi1707, SBi1740, SBi1751, SBi1772, SBi1798, SBi1807, SBi1820, SBi1821, SBi1823, SBi1836, SBi1871, SBi1872, SBi1873, SBi1881, SBi1887, SBi1891, SBi1 (signed subject to Sec. 49-a, Art. III, Texas Constitution), SBi6, SBi9, SBi11, SBi14, SBi34, SBi52, SBi60, SBi265, SBi330, SBi408, SBi409, SBi410, SBi411, SBi444, SBi526, SBi567, SBi712, SBi757, SBi771, SBi805, SBi809, SBi872, SBi874, SBi882, SBi982, SBi988, SBi1038, SBi1055, SBi1103, SBi1131, SBi1142, SBi1173, SBi1176, SBi1188, SBi1189, SBi1227, SBi1273, SBi1290, SBi1297, SBi1413, SBi1604, SBi1605, SBi1641, SBi1668, SBi1670, SBi1710, SBi1830, SBi1831, SBi1892, SBi39, SBi568, SBi1704, SBi1863, SCRi42, SCRi43, HBi43, HBi62, HBi126, HBi129, HBi135, HBi157, HBi251, HBi270, HBi308, HBi370, HBi381, HBi407, HBi418, HBi473, HBi474, HBi480, HBi484, HBi505, HBi506, HBi511, HBi573, HBi578, HBi582, HBi617, HBi629, HBi637, HBi638, HBi647, HBi659, HBi669, HBi681, HBi699, HBi703, HBi706, HBi776, HBi825, HBi860, HBi867, HBi868, HBi900, HBi915, HBi967, HBi970, HBi989, HBi994, HBi1030, HBi1054, HBi1055, HBi1063, HBi1071, HBi1102, HBi1111, HBi1132, HBi1161, HBi1173, HBi1209, HBi1234, HBi1248, HBi1268, HBi1287, HBi1404, HBi1413, HBi1414, HBi1426, HBi1438, HBi1462, HBi1472, HBi1475, HBi1509, HBi1535, HBi1547, HBi1572, HBi1596, HBi1614, HBi1631, HBi1632, HBi1647, HBi1648, HBi1659, HBi1664, HBi1673, HBi1681, HBi1744, HBi1765, HBi1789, HBi1812, HBi1831, HBi1891, HBi1896, HBi1919, HBi1925, HBi1945, HBi1981, HBi1984, HBi1987, HBi1999, HBi2036, HBi2064, HBi2065, HBi2068, HBi2069, HBi2071, HBi2077, HBi2100, HBi2101, HBi2109, HBi2134, HBi2140, HBi2158, HBi2194, HBi2195, HBi2197, HBi2199, HBi2228, HBi2235, HBi2243, HBi2254, HBi2273, HBi2280, HBi2294, HBi2296, HBi2300, HBi2301, HBi2333, HBi2348, HBi2384, HBi2388,
5120 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5121
The following resolutions were adopted by the Senate:
Memorial Resolutions
SR 1092 by Van de Putte, In memory of Mary Jo Massara of San Antonio.
SR 1097 by Nelson, In memory of Steven C. Tucker of Grapevine.
SR 1101 by Lucio, In memory of Marcia Jean Parrish Shedden.
SR 1110 by Janek, In memory of Lois Ruth Buckner of Corpus Christi.
SR 1111 by Ellis, In memory of Ed Wendt of Houston.
HCR 205 (Deuell), In memory of Stanley and Jake Avery of Sulphur Springs.
HCR 226 (Deuell), In memory of Billy T. Burney of Sulphur Springs.
HCR 231 (Seliger), In memory of the Honorable Pat McKinney Baskin of Midland.
Congratulatory Resolutions
SR 1106 by Staples, Recognizing Jack H. Holland on the occasion of his retirement.
SR 1107 by Staples, Commending Eric Crawford for his service in Iraq.
SR 1108 by Whitmire, Commending Heath Lawson of Houston for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.
SR 1109 by Fraser, Recognizing Joe E. Ramirez, Jr., for his service to his country.
HCR 223 (Deuell), Honoring the sesquicentennial of Sulphur Springs.
HCR 237 (Madla), Honoring Jose Montemayor for his outstanding public service on the occasion of his retirement as Texas insurance commissioner.
Official Designation Resolutions
HCR 187 (Fraser), Designating the Hill Country as the Official Lavender Growing Region of Texas.
HCR 188 (Fraser), Designating the Blanco Lavender Festival as the Official Lavender Festival of Texas.
The President announced that the hour for final adjournment of the Regular Session of the 79th Legislature had arrived and, in accordance with a previously adopted motion, declared the Regular Session of the 79th Legislature adjourned sine die, in memory of Filemon B. Vela of South Texas and John C. Nabors of Dallas, at 1:55ip.m. Wednesday, Junei1, 2005.
5122 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
May 30, 2005
SBi150, SBi293, SBi419, SBi427, SBi495, SBi563, SBi565, SBi569, SBi578, SBi624, SBi810, SBi907, SBi990, SBi1063, SBi1107, SBi1113, SBi1122, SBi1133, SBi1137, SBi1139, SBi1147, SBi1151, SBi1202, SBi1204, SBi1205, SBi1206, SBi1226, SBi1271, SBi1275, SBi1282, SBi1339, SBi1353, SBi1370, SBi1377, SBi1395, SBi1421, SBi1426, SBi1450, SBi1458, SBi1498, SBi1507, SBi1533, SBi1589, SBi1591, SBi1592, SBi1663, SBi1673, SBi1686, SBi1692, SBi1730, SBi1769, SBi1809, SBi1811, SBi1826, SBi1828, SBi1844, SBi1846, SBi1850, SBi1853, SBi1866, SBi1867, SBi1870, SBi1875, SBi1883, SBi1889, SBi1894
May 31, 2005
May 31, 2005
June 1, 2005
SBi9, SBi11, SBi14, SBi23, SBi30, SBi34, SBi39, SBi40, SBi42, SBi44, SBi45, SBi51, SBi52, SBi60, SBi91, SBi111, SBi122, SBi132, SBi151, SBi155, SBi166, SBi183, SBi265, SBi269, SBi296, SBi327, SBi330, SBi331, SBi343, SBi356, SBi369, SBi408, SBi409, SBi410, SBi411, SBi444, SBi451, SBi522, SBi526, SBi532, SBi567, SBi568, SBi573, SBi610, SBi623, SBi630, SBi658, SBi712, SBi716, SBi732, SBi747, SBi757, SBi771, SBi781, SBi805, SBi809, SBi826, SBi827, SBi837, SBi851, SBi872, SBi874, SBi882, SBi890, SBi921, SBi982, SBi988, SBi993, SBi995, SBi1037, SBi1038, SBi1044, SBi1050, SBi1055, SBi1074, SBi1103, SBi1112, SBi1130, SBi1131, SBi1142, SBi1146, SBi1149, SBi1170, SBi1173, SBi1175, SBi1176, SBi1188, SBi1189, SBi1192, SBi1195, SBi1227, SBi1246, SBi1255, SBi1264, SBi1273, SBi1283, SBi1290, SBi1297, SBi1340, SBi1413, SBi1433, SBi1452, SBi1481, SBi1525, SBi1528, SBi1551, SBi1570, SBi1579, SBi1604, SBi1605, SBi1626, SBi1641, SBi1652, SBi1668, SBi1670, SBi1691, SBi1704, SBi1707, SBi1710, SBi1740, SBi1751, SBi1772, SBi1798, SBi1807, SBi1820, SBi1821, SBi1823, SBi1830, SBi1831, SBi1836, SBi1863, SBi1871, SBi1872, SBi1873, SBi1881, SBi1887, SBi1891, SBi1892, SCRi42, SCRi43
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5123
June 9, 2005
SBi23, SBi271, SBi890, SBi1875
5124 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
In Memory
Filemon B. Vela
Senate Resolution 957
WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the citizens of South Texas in mourning the loss of Senior United States District Judge Filemon B. Vela, who died April 13, 2004, at the age of 68; and
WHEREAS, Filemon Vela was born in Harlingen on May 1, 1935, to Roberto and Maria Luisa Vela; he graduated from Harlingen High School and attended Texas Southmost College and The University of Texas before earning a law degree from Saint Mary's University School of Law in 1962 and beginning a distinguished 40-year career in law and politics; and
WHEREAS, He practiced law in Harlingen and Brownsville from 1962 to 1974 and served on the Brownsville City Commission from 1971 to 1973; he was a state district judge from 1975 to 1980, when he was appointed to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, where he served for two decades; in 2000, he accepted senior status on the bench and traveled throughout the region to relieve the district court system; and
WHEREAS, He was a tireless advocate during the civil rights movement and a lifelong champion for education; he worked to increase voter registration, and he often visited schools to encourage children to continue their education; he was a frequent visitor to the Filemon B. Vela Middle School, which was dedicated to him when it opened in 1992; and
WHEREAS, A man of integrity, strength, and generosity, Judge Vela was renowned as a fair and impartial jurist, and he was admired and respected throughout Texas for his wisdom, warmth, and compassion for others; and
WHEREAS, He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather, and he leaves behind memories that will be treasured forever by his family and many friends; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved family of the Honorable Filemon B. Vela: his wife of 42 years, former Brownsville mayor Blanca Sanchez Vela; his sons, Filemon, Jr., and his wife, Rose, and Rafael Eduardo and his wife, Matiana; his daughter, Sylvia Adriana; his sister, Maria Luisa; his brothers, Carlos, Moises, Patricio, Antonio, and Roberto; and his grandchildren, Alexandra, Kristian, and Carolina; and, be it further
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5125
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the TexasiSenate, and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in memory of the Honorable Filemon B. Vela.
5126 79th Legislature — Regular Session 83rd Day
In Memory
John C. Nabors
Senate Resolution 1033
WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas honors and commemorates the life of noted Dallas attorney John C. Nabors, who died June 14, 2004, at the age of 59; and
WHEREAS, John C. Nabors was born in 1944 in Arnett, Texas; he earned a bachelor's degree from The University of Texas at Austin in 1965 and graduated with honors two years later from The University of Texas School of Law; he was an associate editor of the Texas Law Review and a member of the Chancellors and the Order of the Coif honor societies; and
WHEREAS, He began practicing law in Houston and was later recruited by the law firm Gardere Wynne Sewell in Dallas, where he practiced oil and gas, real estate and business law and was a senior partner and a trial team leader; he earned the reputation as one of Texas' top trial lawyers; he was named a Texas Super Lawyer by Law & Politics Magazine in 2003 and 2004, and The American Lawyer magazine featured him in an article in 2002; and
WHEREAS, In addition to his exemplary legal career, John Nabors was an avid outdoorsman who loved spending time on his cattle ranch in Hamilton; he was a pilot, fisherman, hiker, mountain climber and marathon runner, and he set a Guiness Book record by winning the longest canoe race in the world; and
WHEREAS, John Nabors lived his life to the fullest and was a devoted husband, father and grandfather, and he leaves behind memories that will be treasured forever by his family and many friends; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,79th Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the life of John C. Nabors and extend sincere condolences to his bereaved family: his wife, Kathleen Mary Nabors; his daughters and son-in-law, Kathleen Felton Nabors, Sarah Reid Nabors, and Carol and Kevin Spiars; his son, John David Nabors; and his three grandchildren; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the members of his family as an expression of deepest sympathy from the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this day, it do so in memory of John Nabors.
Monday, May 30, 2005 SENATE JOURNAL 5127