(Thursday, March 16, 2023)

The Senate met at 11:07 a.m. pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the President.

The roll was called and the following Senators were present:  Alvarado, Bettencourt, Birdwell, Blanco, Campbell, Creighton, Eckhardt, Flores, Gutierrez, Hall, Hancock, Hinojosa, Huffman, Hughes, Johnson, Kolkhorst, LaMantia, Menéndez, Middleton, Miles, Nichols, Parker, Paxton, Perry, Schwertner, Sparks, Springer, West, Whitmire, Zaffirini.

Absent-excused:  King.

The President announced that a quorum of the Senate was present.

The Reverend Steven Schulte, East Side Baptist Church, Comanche, offered the invocation as follows:

Loving heavenly Father, we call upon You today to grant us with Your presence in this Chamber. I ask for Your blessings to be upon each one of these elected representatives. Grant them an extra measure of Your love, kindness, mercy, and wisdom as they strive to fulfill their oaths and to represent their constituents from all different backgrounds, different races, and different religions. Father, I ask that You guide these men and women into a deeper spirit of cooperation and unity for the benefit and blessing of all Texans. May they have vision and clarity to use the resources that have been entrusted to them. Finally, I thank You, Father, for Your steady hand upon this great state and its people. May You continue to look favorably upon Texas, its leaders, and its people as we look to You for guidance and direction in all matters whether great or small. I humbly offer this prayer to You, Father God, creator of us all. Amen.

Senator Whitmire moved that the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day be dispensed with and the Journal be approved as printed.

The motion prevailed without objection.


On motion of Senator Whitmire, Senator King was granted leave of absence for today on account of an illness in the family.


The following Messages from the Governor were read and were referred to the Committee on Nominations:

March 16, 2023
Austin, Texas


I ask the advice, consent and confirmation of the Senate with respect to the following appointments:

To be members of the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Board of Directors for terms to expire as indicated:

To Expire February 1, 2027:

James P. "Patrick" Cohoon
Boerne, Texas
(replacing Andra M. Wisian of Boerne who resigned)

To Expire February 1, 2029:

Robert E. Blaschke
Woodsboro, Texas
(replacing Kenneth A. Motl, D.V.M. of Port Lavaca whose term expired)

John P. Cyrier
Lockhart, Texas
(replacing Oscar H. Fogle of Lockhart whose term expired)

Emanuel Valdez, Jr.
New Braunfels, Texas
(Mr. Valdez is being reappointed)

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Greg Abbott

March 16, 2023
Austin, Texas


I ask the advice, consent and confirmation of the Senate with respect to the following appointments:

To be members of the University of Texas System Board of Regents for terms to expire February 1, 2029:

Robert P. Gauntt
Austin, Texas
(replacing Robert S. "Steve" Hicks of Austin whose term expired)

Janiece M. Longoria
Houston, Texas
(Ms. Longoria is being reappointed)

James C. "Rad" Weaver
San Antonio, Texas
(Mr. Weaver is being reappointed)

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Greg Abbott


The President announced that the introduction of bills and resolutions on first reading would be postponed until the end of today's session.

There was no objection.

(Consideration of Bills in Committees)
(Motion In Writing)

Senator Hall submitted the following Motion In Writing:

Mr. President:

I move to suspend Senate Rule 11.13 so that committees may meet during the reading and referral of bills.


The Motion In Writing was read and prevailed without objection.


Senator Campbell was recognized and presented Dr. Jorge Duchicela of Weimar as the Physician of the Day.

The Senate welcomed Dr. Duchicela and thanked him for his participation in the Physician of the Day program sponsored by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.


Senator Birdwell offered the following resolution:

SR 308, Recognizing March 16, 2023, as Hill County Day.

The resolution was read and was adopted without objection.


Senator Birdwell was recognized and introduced to the Senate a Hill County Day delegation including County Judge Justin Lewis and County Commissioner Martin Lake.

The Senate welcomed its guests.


Senator Springer, joined by Senators Sparks, West, and Hall, was recognized and introduced to the Senate Boy Scout Troop 75 of Weatherford, accompanied by Scout Leaders Bobby Kehrman and Lorri Story and Assistant Scout Leader Howard Story.

The Senate welcomed its guests.


The President laid before the Senate the following resolution:

SCR 33, Recognizing the 60th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision Gideon v. Wainwright.


The resolution was read.

On motion of Senator West and by unanimous consent, the resolution was considered immediately and was adopted by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the adoption of the resolution except as follows:

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator West was recognized and introduced to the Senate a Texas Indigent Defense Commission delegation including Executive Director Geoff Burkhart and Director of Public Defense Improvement Scott Ehlers.

The Senate welcomed its guests.

(President Pro Tempore Hancock in Chair)


The President Pro Tempore at 11:36 a.m. announced the conclusion of morning call.


On motion of Senator Hughes and by unanimous consent, the regular order of business was suspended to take up for consideration SB 780 at this time on its second reading:

SB 780, Relating to emergency possession of certain abandoned children by designated emergency infant care providers.

The bill was read second time and was passed to engrossment by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the passage to engrossment except as follows:

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator Hughes moved that Senate Rule 7.18 and the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended and that SB 780 be placed on its third reading and final passage.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.

Absent-excused:  King.

The bill was read third time and was passed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0. (Same as previous roll call)


On motion of Senator Perry and by unanimous consent, the regular order of business was suspended to take up for consideration SB 156 at this time on its second reading:

SB 156, Relating to the regulation of groundwater conservation districts.

The bill was read second time and was passed to engrossment by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the passage to engrossment except as follows:

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator Perry moved that Senate Rule 7.18 and the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended and that SB 156 be placed on its third reading and final passage.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.

Absent-excused:  King.

The bill was read third time and was passed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0. (Same as previous roll call)


Senator Birdwell moved to suspend the regular order of business to take up for consideration SB 599 at this time on its second reading:

SB 599, Relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by a district clerk and the issuance of a handgun license to a district clerk.

The motion prevailed.

Senator Gutierrez asked to be recorded as voting "Nay" on suspension of the regular order of business.

The bill was read second time and was passed to engrossment by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the passage to engrossment except as follows:

Nays:  Gutierrez.

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator Birdwell moved that Senate Rule 7.18 and the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended and that SB 599 be placed on its third reading and final passage.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:  Yeas 29, Nays 1.

Nays:  Gutierrez.

Absent-excused:  King.

The bill was read third time and was passed by the following vote:  Yeas 29, Nays 1. (Same as previous roll call)


On motion of Senator Zaffirini and by unanimous consent, the regular order of business was suspended to take up for consideration SB 497 at this time on its second reading:

SB 497, Relating to the processing and sale of kratom and kratom products; providing civil penalties; creating a criminal offense.

The bill was read second time and was passed to engrossment by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the passage to engrossment except as follows:

Nays:  Middleton, Springer.

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator Zaffirini moved that Senate Rule 7.18 and the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended and that SB 497 be placed on its third reading and final passage.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.

Absent-excused:  King.

The bill was read third time and was passed by the following vote:  Yeas 28, Nays 2.

Yeas:  Alvarado, Bettencourt, Birdwell, Blanco, Campbell, Creighton, Eckhardt, Flores, Gutierrez, Hall, Hancock, Hinojosa, Huffman, Hughes, Johnson, Kolkhorst, LaMantia, Menéndez, Miles, Nichols, Parker, Paxton, Perry, Schwertner, Sparks, West, Whitmire, Zaffirini.

Nays:  Middleton, Springer.

Absent-excused:  King.


On motion of Senator Hughes and by unanimous consent, the regular order of business was suspended to take up for consideration SB 801 at this time on its second reading:

SB 801, Relating to an instrument that names a trust as a party.

The bill was read second time and was passed to engrossment by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the passage to engrossment except as follows:

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator Hughes moved that Senate Rule 7.18 and the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended and that SB 801 be placed on its third reading and final passage.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.

Absent-excused:  King.

The bill was read third time and was passed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0. (Same as previous roll call)


On motion of Senator Zaffirini and by unanimous consent, the regular order of business was suspended to take up for consideration SB 643 at this time on its second reading:

SB 643, Relating to the conduct of charitable bingo.

The bill was read second time and was passed to engrossment by a viva voce vote.

All Members are deemed to have voted "Yea" on the passage to engrossment except as follows:

Nays:  Hall.

Absent-excused:  King.


Senator Zaffirini moved that Senate Rule 7.18 and the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended and that SB 643 be placed on its third reading and final passage.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.

Absent-excused:  King.

The bill was read third time and was passed by the following vote:  Yeas 29, Nays 1.

Nays:  Hall.

Absent-excused:  King.

(Motion In Writing)

Senator Birdwell submitted a Motion In Writing requesting that SJR 59 be withdrawn from the Committee on Administration and rereferred to the Committee on State Affairs.

The Motion In Writing was read and prevailed without objection.


The President Pro Tempore announced the signing of the following enrolled resolutions in the presence of the Senate:

HCR 14, HCR 15, HCR 16, HCR 17, HCR 18, HCR 19, HCR 21, HCR 23, HCR 25, HCR 35, HCR 66, HCR 67, HCR 68.


On motion of Senator Whitmire and by unanimous consent, the Senate at 12:02 p.m. agreed to adjourn, upon completion of the introduction of bills and resolutions on first reading, until 3:00 p.m. Monday, March 20, 2023.


The following bills and resolutions were introduced, read first time, and referred to the committees indicated:

SB 1326 by Blanco
Relating to a requirement that certain students, interns, residents, and fellows receiving a clinical education at public or nonprofit hospitals receive an annual comprehensive health examination.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1327 by Blanco
Relating to authorizing a day-care center to employ an interim director.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1328 by Blanco
Relating to common nuisance remedies and registration and permitting requirements for the storage of scrap tires.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1329 by Blanco
Relating to establishing the Defense and Aerospace Manufacturing Task Force.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1330 by Perry
Relating to the exchange of certain information between the Department of Family and Protective Services or certain foster care services contractors and a state or local juvenile justice agency.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1331 by Perry
Relating to a motion for the assignment of a statutory probate court judge to hear a contested matter in a probate proceeding in certain counties.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1332 by Huffman
Relating to the provision of funding to the Texas Historical Commission for state historic sites.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1333 by Huffman
Relating to the creation of the Texas state buildings preservation endowment fund.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1334 by Creighton
Relating to rates established by municipalities for water or sewer service for certain entities.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1335 by Creighton
Relating to dedicating certain state revenue to the purpose of retiring state debt.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1336 by Creighton
Relating to certain construction liability claims concerning public buildings and public works.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1337 by Hall
Relating to the practice of barbering and cosmetology.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1338 by Hall
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons to vote early by mail.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1339 by Middleton, Creighton
Relating to the designation of a bridge in Galveston County as the Ken Clark Memorial Bridge.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1340 by Zaffirini
Relating to the local development agreement database maintained by the comptroller of public accounts.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1341 by West
Relating to the application review process for certain delayed birth certificates.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1342 by Perry
Relating to requirements applicable to certain third-party health insurers in relation to Medicaid.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1343 by LaMantia
Relating to the composition of the Texas Board of Nursing and procedures applicable to complaints against advanced practice registered nurses.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1344 by Nichols
Relating to the advertising of certain used motor vehicles.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1345 by Miles
Relating to prohibiting the consideration of certain criminal history information of a prospective tenant of a housing development operated by a public housing authority or operated by a recipient of financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1346 by Miles
Relating to the prosecution of certain littering offenses.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1347 by Miles
Relating to certain health care entities and medical committees, including peer review committees.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1348 by Miles
Relating to the use of state money for the Urban Farm Microenterprise Support Program.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1349 by Zaffirini
Relating to the authority of an appraisal district to purchase, finance the purchase of, or lease real property or construct or finance the construction of improvements to real property.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1350 by LaMantia
Relating to the exemption of tuition and laboratory fees at public institutions of higher education for certain paramedics.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1351 by Perry, Johnson, Paxton, Schwertner, Springer
Relating to the functions of the Texas Water Development Board and continuation and functions of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1352 by Miles
Relating to the recovery of exemplary damages based on a compensable death under the Texas Workers' Compensation Act.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1353 by Miles
Relating to the applicability of the death penalty to a capital offense committed by a person with an intellectual disability.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1354 by Miles
Relating to the Rita Littlefield Chronic Kidney Disease Centralized Resource Center established within the Health and Human Services Commission.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1355 by Miles
Relating to requiring law enforcement agencies to make certain radio communications available to the public.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1356 by Miles
Relating to discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective hairstyle associated with race.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1357 by Miles
Relating to including certain demographic information in federal incident-based reporting of information and statistics concerning offenses committed in this state.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1358 by Miles
Relating to the financing of certain grocery stores by a public facilities corporation.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1359 by Schwertner
Relating to reporting on the use of telemedicine medical services and telehealth services among participating providers of certain managed care plans.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1360 by Schwertner
Relating to the renewal of a registration permit by a physician.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1361 by Huffman
Relating to the unlawful production or distribution of sexually explicit videos using deep fake technology; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1362 by Alvarado
Relating to hiring and licensing certain individuals lawfully present in the United States as peace officers.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1363 by Alvarado
Relating to enforcement by a property owners' association of a restrictive covenant that prevents a property owner from building or installing certain security measures.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1364 by Alvarado
Relating to weight limitations for certain natural gas or electric vehicles.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1365 by Hinojosa
Relating to a grant program to fund the provision by children's hospitals of mental and behavioral health services to children in this state.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1366 by Creighton
Relating to directing certain surplus state revenue to the flood infrastructure fund.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1367 by Creighton
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information for full-time employees of a county courthouse, the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System, or the Texas Indigent Defense Commission and the employees' family members.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1368 by Schwertner, Johnson, Paxton, Perry, Springer
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the functions of the independent organization certified for the ERCOT power region.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1369 by Paxton, Parker
Relating to training materials for certain transportation network company drivers regarding human trafficking awareness and prevention.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1370 by Paxton
Relating to information contained in the annual financial audit of certain regional transportation authorities.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1371 by Johnson
Relating to the regulation of consumer credit transactions and the regulatory authority of the consumer credit commissioner; changing a fee.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1372 by Perry
Relating to costs associated with the destruction of certain deer.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1373 by Hughes
Relating to decedents' estates and the delivery of certain notices or other communications in connection with those estates or multiple-party accounts.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1374 by Parker
Relating to the right of a purchaser to terminate a contract of purchase and sale of real property for failure to provide notice that the property is located in a public improvement district.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1375 by Parker
Relating to the sampling or tasting of distilled spirits by the manufacturer to a consumer at a temporary event.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1376 by Parker
Relating to a state employment preference for certain spouses of veterans with a disability.
To Committee on Veteran Affairs.

SB 1377 by Parker
Relating to the selection of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district; authorizing a fee.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1378 by Parker
Relating to the procurement and operation of backup generation facilities for the ERCOT power region.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1379 by Parker
Relating to a pilot program to increase the financial independence of foster children who are transitioning to independent living.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1380 by Eckhardt
Relating to training for peace officers on acquired and traumatic brain injuries and trauma-affected veterans.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1381 by Eckhardt
Relating to the eligibility of the surviving spouse of an elderly person who qualified for a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a taxing unit of a portion of the appraised value of the deceased person's residence homestead to continue to receive an exemption for the same property from the same taxing unit in an amount equal to that of the exemption for which the deceased person qualified without applying for the exemption.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1382 by Eckhardt
Relating to contracting with companies that boycott certain energy companies.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1383 by Miles
Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1384 by Miles
Relating to the establishment of the child first grant program.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1385 by Miles
Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1386 by Miles
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1387 by Hughes
Relating to an agreement with a private entity for dynamic message signs used in certain statewide alert systems.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1388 by Parker
Relating to prohibiting the operation of supervised drug consumption sites; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1389 by Parker
Relating to authorizing adoption assistance agreements for certain children after a final adoption order is rendered.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1390 by Parker
Relating to requiring the Department of Family and Protective Services to annually review the department's process to enter into adoption assistance agreements.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1391 by Parker
Relating to restitution payments made to certain victims of theft.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1392 by Middleton
Relating to establishing the oyster council of the Parks and Wildlife Department.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1393 by Middleton
Relating to eligibility for coverage under the FAIR Plan Association in certain areas.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1394 by Middleton
Relating to the issuance of anticipation notes or other obligations by issuers located along the Gulf Coast in an emergency.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1395 by Middleton
Relating to requirements for the closure of certain areas to the taking of oysters.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1396 by Middleton
Relating to a period of prayer and Bible reading in public schools.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1397 by Schwertner, Johnson, Paxton, Perry, Springer
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1398 by Schwertner
Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1399 by Schwertner
Relating to the renewal and review of certain air quality permits.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1400 by Springer, Johnson, Paxton, Perry, Schwertner
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Office of State-Federal Relations.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1401 by Zaffirini, Paxton
Relating to the rights of victims of sexual assault and to certain procedures and reimbursements occurring with respect to a sexual assault or other sex offense.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1402 by Zaffirini, Paxton
Relating to the continuation and duties of the Sexual Assault Survivors' Task Force and establishment of a mandatory training program for peace officers on responding to reports of child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1403 by Parker
Relating to an interstate compact for border security, including building a border wall and sharing state intelligence and resources.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1404 by Parker
Relating to the creation of a work group to study the benefits of coal-to-nuclear electric generating facility conversion.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1405 by Hancock
Relating to exempting certain autocycles from the requirement that an operator or passenger of an autocycle wear protective headgear.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1406 by Perry
Relating to the suspension of an enforcement action against a regional water supply, sewer, or wastewater treatment service for a violation committed by a retail public utility being integrated into the regional service.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1407 by King
Relating to a severance tax exemption for oil and gas produced from certain restimulation wells; providing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1408 by Miles
Relating to establishment of the Texas Rare Disease Advisory Council.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1409 by Miles
Relating to the continuation of a limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes if the property is acquired by and qualifies as the homestead of an heir of the owner or the owner's spouse or surviving spouse.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1410 by Miles
Relating to state funding for school districts to which an academically unacceptable school district is annexed.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1411 by Miles
Relating to Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for emergency outpatient dialysis treatment provided to certain individuals with end stage renal disease.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1412 by Hughes
Relating to regulation of accessory dwelling units by political subdivisions.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1413 by Johnson
Relating to the authority of a fire department to remove certain personal property from a roadway or right-of-way.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1414 by Johnson, Paxton, Perry, Schwertner, Springer
Relating to the regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1415 by Johnson
Relating to the regulation of certain continuing education programs.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1416 by Johnson
Relating to the processing of an application for an authorization to use a standard permit for a rock or concrete crushing facility.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1417 by Johnson
Relating to company representatives for private security companies; requiring an occupational license.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1418 by LaMantia
Relating to the route designation for the issuance of a permit for the movement of oversize and overweight vehicles in certain counties.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1419 by Birdwell
Relating to limitations on the use of public money under certain economic development agreements or programs adopted by certain political subdivisions.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1420 by Birdwell
Relating to municipal and county hotel occupancy taxes.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1421 by Perry, Blanco, Campbell, Flores, Gutierrez, Hall, Hancock, Hinojosa, Hughes, King, LaMantia, Middleton, Parker, Paxton, Schwertner, Sparks, Springer, West
Relating to the effect of nuisance actions, other actions, and governmental requirements on certain agricultural operations.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1422 by King
Relating to enforcement of criminal offenses by state agencies, law enforcement agencies, political subdivisions, or local entities.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1423 by Hall
Relating to the prohibition of tolls on a portion of Interstate Highway 635.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1424 by Perry, Johnson, Paxton, Schwertner, Springer
Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Texas Invasive Species Coordinating Committee.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1425 by Perry
Relating to the continuation of the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1426 by Flores
Relating to municipal regulation of the removal of an Ashe juniper tree.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1428 by Nichols
Relating to a prohibition on the issuance by the Railroad Commission of Texas of a permit for certain commercial surface disposal facilities.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1429 by Hinojosa
Relating to the use of standardized examinations by a school of nursing or educational program.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1430 by Hinojosa, LaMantia
Relating to the provision of solid waste disposal services by certain counties; authorizing a fee.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1431 by Hinojosa
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information for a current or former administrative law judge for the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1432 by Hinojosa
Relating to the operation and administration of the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1433 by Hinojosa
Relating to procedures for the emergency detention of certain persons with mental illness.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1434 by Hinojosa
Relating to the requirement that certain persons taking oysters on a licensed commercial oyster boat obtain a commercial fisherman's license.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1435 by Hinojosa
Relating to creating the criminal offense of tampering with an electronic monitoring device.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1436 by Hinojosa
Relating to the investigation of municipal fire fighters in certain municipalities.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1437 by Springer
Relating to the establishment of the Emergency Powers Board and its powers during a declared state of disaster or public health disaster.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1438 by Springer
Relating to a credit or refund for diesel fuel taxes paid on diesel fuel used in this state by auxiliary power units or power take-off equipment.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1439 by Springer
Relating to the ad valorem taxation of tangible personal property held or used for the production of income by related business entities.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1440 by Springer
Relating to the processing of certain credit card transactions; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1441 by Springer
Relating to the authority of the attorney general to acquire by eminent domain certain real property owned by aliens or foreign entities.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1442 by Springer
Relating to the creation of a campus of the Texas State Technical College System.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1443 by Hall
Relating to public school library materials and certain performances at public school facilities.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1444 by Zaffirini, Eckhardt
Relating to the public retirement systems for employees of certain municipalities.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1445 by Paxton, Johnson, Schwertner, Springer
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1446 by Hughes
Relating to the fiduciary responsibility of the governing body of the public retirement systems in this state and the investment agents acting on behalf of those systems.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1447 by Miles
Relating to a training program for persons investigating suspected child abuse or neglect.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1448 by Miles
Relating to the location for which a wholesale motor vehicle dealer general distinguishing number may be issued.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1449 by Miles
Relating to the authority of the Harris County Hospital District to employ and commission peace officers.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1450 by Miles
Relating to certain improvements of the state highway system in certain census tracts.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1451 by Zaffirini
Relating to the powers of the Texas Historical Commission over historic sites in this state.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1452 by Zaffirini
Relating to the loss of benefits of and the payment of certain employer contributions for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who resume service.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1453 by Hinojosa
Relating to the authority of a local government to enter into energy savings performance contracts.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1454 by Paxton, Zaffirini
Relating to the reappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes of real property on which a building completely destroyed by a casualty is located.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1455 by Paxton
Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1456 by LaMantia, Hinojosa
Relating to a credit against required recapture payments for certain school districts with excess facilities costs under the public school finance system.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1457 by Zaffirini
Relating to guardianships and the delivery of certain notices or other communications in connection with guardianship proceedings.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1458 by Miles
Relating to the provision of certain information about Medicaid benefits in relation to newborn children.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1459 by Miles
Relating to benefits and incentives for media production in this state.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1460 by Miles
Relating to incentives for the moving image industry in this state.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1461 by Springer
Relating to regulation of online global marketplaces.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1462 by Hughes
Relating to the operation and administration of and practices and procedures related to proceedings in the judicial branch of state government.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1463 by West
Relating to a grant program for a nonprofit organization or political subdivision to establish or expand a behavioral health crisis response program.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1464 by West
Relating to prohibiting a retail seller of motor vehicles from imposing certain restrictions on the purchase of a motor vehicle.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1465 by Springer
Relating to costs associated with and procedures for the assessment and destruction of certain deer.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1466 by Hancock
Relating to the regulation of residential amenity rentals by a political subdivision; authorizing a fee; authorizing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1467 by Hancock
Relating to the disclosure of certain medical information by electronic means.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1468 by Springer
Relating to the taking of wildlife by an employee of the Parks and Wildlife Department or by a person or agent of the person on the person's property.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1469 by Bettencourt
Relating to requiring certain information before being employed by a child-care facility.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1470 by Bettencourt
Relating to access to the registry of persons who are not eligible for employment in public schools.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1471 by Bettencourt
Relating to access by the Texas Education Agency and private schools to certain criminal history records.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1472 by Bettencourt
Relating to the central registry of names of individuals found to have abused or neglected a child.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1473 by Bettencourt
Relating to criminal history record information and certain registry information accessible to certain educational and child-care entities and information required for employment in certain child-care facilities.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1474 by Bettencourt, Paxton
Relating to special education in public schools, including the special education allotment under the Foundation School Program, an education savings account program for certain children with disabilities, and a grant program to reimburse public schools for the cost of certain employer contributions for retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas employed to teach special education.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1475 by Creighton
Relating to licensure and training requirements for school marshals.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1476 by Creighton
Relating to a franchise tax credit for taxable entities that purchase certain theft deterrent and property loss prevention equipment.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1477 by Kolkhorst
Relating to active shooter training for peace officers.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1478 by West
Relating to the creation of a grant matching program for the federal small business innovation research and small business technology transfer programs.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1479 by Menéndez
Relating to state recognition of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1480 by Menéndez
Relating to the allocation of low income housing tax credits.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1481 by Creighton
Relating to the exercise of eminent domain authority by the Texas Facilities Commission to build a wall along this state's international border.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1482 by Creighton
Relating to the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance or marihuana causing death or serious bodily injury; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1483 by Creighton, King
Relating to the creation of a retail theft investigation unit in the Department of Public Safety.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1484 by Creighton
Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1485 by Hall
Relating to the public inspection of election records.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1486 by Bettencourt, Eckhardt, Gutierrez, Hall, Parker, Paxton, Springer, West
Relating to the electronic payment of ad valorem taxes; authorizing a fee.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1487 by Bettencourt, Eckhardt, Gutierrez, Hall, Parker, Paxton, Springer, West
Relating to the electronic delivery of certain communications required or permitted under the Property Tax Code.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1488 by Creighton
Relating to truancy and the offense of a parent contributing to nonattendance; creating an offense; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1489 by Creighton
Relating to prohibiting the investment of the permanent university fund, the national research university fund, or money held by a public institution of higher education in financial companies that boycott certain energy companies.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1490 by Miles
Relating to the state historically underutilized business program; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1491 by Miles
Relating to the licensing in this state of a person licensed in another jurisdiction to practice psychology, marriage and family therapy, or professional counseling.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1492 by Miles
Relating to the expunction of records and files related to certain conduct or offenses committed by a child.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1493 by Miles
Relating to the licensing in this state of a person licensed in another jurisdiction to practice marriage and family therapy or professional counseling.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1494 by Hall
Relating to prohibiting certain obscene sexually oriented performances within view of minors; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1495 by Johnson
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information collected by certain airport governing boards at a parking garage.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1496 by Johnson
Relating to authorizing certain health benefit exchanges to make eligibility determinations under Medicaid and the child health plan program.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1497 by Kolkhorst
Relating to a law enforcement agency training grant program.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1498 by Nichols
Relating to the collection, remittance, and administration of the tax on gross rental receipts on motor vehicles rented through a marketplace rental provider; imposing a penalty.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1499 by Nichols
Relating to the funding of certain port projects.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1500 by Nichols
Relating to powers and duties of navigation districts and the boards of trustees of municipal port facilities.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1502 by Middleton
Relating to prohibited conduct of a health benefit plan issuer in relation to affiliated and nonaffiliated providers.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1503 by Middleton
Relating to an entity responsible for the local share of qualified project costs under the ship channel improvement revolving fund.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1504 by Middleton
Relating to the automatic admission of students with a nontraditional secondary education to certain public institutions of higher education.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1505 by Zaffirini, Perry
Relating to youth diversion strategies and procedures for children accused of certain fine-only offenses in municipal and justice courts and related criminal justice matters; authorizing fees.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1506 by Hughes
Relating to a seizure management and treatment plan for the care to be provided by a public school to a student with a seizure disorder.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1507 by Huffman
Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1508 by Huffman
Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1509 by Huffman
Relating to the service retirement eligibility and benefits of certain members of the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1510 by West
Relating to a supplemental payment for retirees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1511 by Schwertner
Relating to the evaluation of child-care providers participating in the Texas Rising Star Program.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1512 by Schwertner
Relating to the failure to disclose certain appraisal reports by an entity with eminent domain authority in connection with an offer to acquire real property.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1513 by Schwertner
Relating to certain requirements in connection with the acquisition of real property for public use by an entity with eminent domain authority.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1514 by Schwertner
Relating to business entities and nonprofit entities.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1515 by King
Relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in public schools.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1516 by King
Relating to the procedures for an application for a writ of habeas corpus and the issuance of the writ.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1517 by King
Relating to academic boycotts at institutions of higher education.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1518 by King
Relating to the establishment of a terrorist offender registry and to the supervision of those terrorist offenders; creating criminal offenses related to terrorism.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1519 by King
Relating to electric utility weather emergency preparedness.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1520 by Hughes
Relating to the authority of the Texas Historical Commission to take certain actions relating to the Republic of Texas Granite Boundary Marker.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1521 by Blanco
Relating to the amount of certain motor vehicle sales and use taxes and penalties that certain counties may retain each year.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1522 by Blanco
Relating to a required waiting period for certain semiautomatic rifle sales; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1523 by Blanco
Relating to the dismissal of a baseless or unfounded complaint filed with the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1524 by Blanco
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to provide department services on federal military property.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1525 by Blanco
Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in property tax appraisal records.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1526 by Blanco
Relating to the provision of mobile emergency medical services by the Big Bend Regional Hospital District.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1527 by Huffman
Relating to human trafficking, including the prosecution and punishment of compelling and solicitation of prostitution and other sexual or assaultive offenses; increasing a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1528 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the publication of a report providing an overview of public education in Texas.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1529 by Miles
Relating to notice to property owners regarding certain stationary LP-gas installations.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1530 by Miles
Relating to reporting the blast radius information for aboveground storage tanks.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1531 by Miles
Relating to written objections to the proposed installation or modification of a stationary LP-Gas installation.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1532 by Miles
Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in property tax appraisal records.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1533 by Miles
Relating to the expunction of records and files related to certain conduct or offenses committed by a child.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1534 by Schwertner
Relating to restrictions on covenants not to compete for physicians and certain other health care practitioners.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1535 by West
Relating to the review and modification of bail for certain defendants.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1536 by Parker
Relating to the persons who may provide information to a parole panel considering the release of an inmate on parole or to mandatory supervision.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1537 by Parker, Bettencourt, Campbell, Creighton, Flores, Hall, King, Middleton, Paxton, Springer
Relating to measures to prevent espionage and intellectual property theft at public institutions of higher education.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1538 by Parker
Relating to authorizing certain counties to impose a hotel occupancy tax and the use of revenue from that tax.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1539 by Parker
Relating to the terminology used to refer to an individualized education program team.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1540 by Parker
Relating to the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact; authorizing fees.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1541 by Parker
Relating to the charging of swipe fees on certain electronic payment transactions; authorizing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1542 by Parker
Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 380 in Wise and Jack Counties as the Lost Battalion Memorial Highway.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1543 by Parker
Relating to the creation of a workplace violence hotline and a requirement that employers post notice regarding the hotline.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1544 by Johnson
Relating to the use of an individual's genetic data by certain genetic testing companies for commercial purposes; authorizing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1545 by Bettencourt
Relating to the maximum size of a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1546 by Bettencourt
Relating to the authority of a special district to exercise a right or power outside the district's boundaries.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1547 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the permissible uses of the school safety allotment under the public school finance system.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1548 by Zaffirini
Relating to the authority of a county to adopt a fire code.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1549 by Blanco
Relating to an exemption from the severance tax for gas produced from certain wells that is consumed on site and would otherwise have been lawfully vented or flared.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1550 by Blanco
Relating to the financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1551 by West
Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of failure to identify; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1552 by Miles
Relating to affirmative defenses for a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality enforcement action for unauthorized emission or opacity events.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1553 by Miles
Relating to job interview restrictions for releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1554 by Miles
Relating to the location qualifications for a standard permit for certain concrete plants and a prohibition on the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1555 by Miles
Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1556 by Parker
Relating to the right of a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1557 by Parker
Relating to providing for an election by the parent of a student who was victimized by a public school employee to transfer the student to another public school campus or receive funding for the student to attend private school.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1558 by Parker
Relating to the use of certain gold or silver bullion or specie as legal tender and an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain items containing certain precious metals.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1559 by Parker
Relating to contributions to, benefits under, and administration of Texas local fire fighters' retirement systems.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1560 by Creighton
Relating to the removal, relocation, alteration, or construction of certain monuments or memorials located on public property; authorizing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1561 by Zaffirini
Relating to the applicability of the job order contracting procurement method to certain buildings and structures.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1562 by Hancock, Huffman
Relating to creating the criminal offense of child grooming.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1563 by Creighton
Relating to the eligibility of Sam Houston State University to receive formula funding for the Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1564 by Hancock
Relating to a severance tax credit for gas produced from certain wells that use an onsite flare mitigation system.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1565 by Hughes
Relating to policy frameworks for research security established by public institutions of higher education.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1566 by Hughes
Relating to the use of certain personal leave by school district teachers.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1567 by Campbell
Relating to requiring public schools to maintain physical copies of certain instructional materials.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1568 by Campbell
Relating to the persons authorized or appointed to exercise the power of sale under the terms of a contract lien on real property.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1569 by Campbell
Relating to the review of the creation of certain proposed municipal utility districts by county commissioners courts.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1570 by Flores
Relating to the limitations period for certain criminal offenses based on assaultive conduct.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1571 by Kolkhorst
Relating to complaints filed by a school district regarding the offense of contributing to truancy by a parent.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1572 by Hughes
Relating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 49 in Titus County as the Titus County WWI Veterans Memorial Highway.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1573 by Hughes
Relating to the designation of a portion of Farm to Market Road 2348 in Titus County as the Army Staff Sergeant Clay Allen Craig Memorial Bridge.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1574 by Schwertner
Relating to the right of an insured to enter into a contract with a public insurance adjuster.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1575 by Middleton
Relating to the authority of a member of the State Board of Education to request an attorney general opinion.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1576 by Schwertner
Relating to the effect of certain reductions in a health benefit plan enrollee's out-of-pocket expenses for certain prescription drugs on enrollee cost-sharing requirements.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1577 by Menéndez, Schwertner
Relating to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, the Real Estate Research Advisory Committee, the Texas Real Estate Commission, and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1578 by Menéndez
Relating to private transfer fee obligations.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1579 by Bettencourt
Relating to an expedited response by a governmental body to a request for public information.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1580 by Bettencourt
Relating to the right to try cutting-edge treatments for patients with life-threatening or severely debilitating illnesses.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1581 by Bettencourt
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Health Insurance Mandate Advisory Committee; authorizing a fee.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1582 by Bettencourt
Relating to the sale of charitable raffle tickets by certain nonprofit wildlife conservation associations.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1583 by Hall
Relating to prohibiting institutions of higher education or entities receiving public funds from conducting gain of function research on potentially pandemic pathogens in this state; creating a civil penalty.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1584 by Hall
Relating to certain autologous and direct blood donations.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1585 by Sparks, Perry
Relating to certain proceedings in juvenile court for children with mental illness and intellectual disabilities.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1586 by Hughes
Relating to the establishment of a grant program to provide certain public school students an opportunity to visit the State Capitol.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1587 by Johnson
Relating to the county in which an application for court-ordered mental health services must be filed.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1588 by Blanco
Relating to variances from Department of State Health Services rules governing the provision of emergency medical services.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1589 by Creighton
Relating to a statewide disaster alert system.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1590 by LaMantia
Relating to the Rural Veterinarian Incentive Program.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1591 by LaMantia
Relating to the locations of the campuses of the Texas State Technical College System.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1592 by LaMantia
Relating to the composition of the radiation advisory board.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1593 by LaMantia
Relating to the procedure for amending or revoking certificates of public convenience and necessity issued to certain retail public utilities.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1594 by Hancock
Relating to the authority of an independent organization certified to manage a power region to amend bylaws and certificates of formation.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1595 by Hancock
Relating to the workforce diploma pilot program.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1596 by Zaffirini
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Cleaner Landscapes for the Economy, Agriculture, and Nature (CLEAN) Advisory Council.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1597 by Hancock
Relating to the office of vehicle fleet management's plan for the state's vehicle fleet.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1598 by Hancock
Relating to the composition of the Homeland Security Council.
To Committee on Veteran Affairs.

SB 1599 by Hughes
Relating to ballots voted by mail.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1600 by Hughes
Relating to a person submitting proof of citizenship to verify eligibility to vote in Texas.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1601 by Hughes
Relating to prohibiting municipal libraries that host certain events from receiving state funding.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1602 by Hughes
Relating to venue and choice of law for certain actions involving censorship by social media platforms.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1603 by Hughes
Relating to the decision of a court of appeals not to accept certain interlocutory appeals.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1604 by Paxton
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a military service member who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1605 by Paxton
Relating to the reduction of the rates of the franchise tax.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1606 by Zaffirini
Relating to evidence and orders regarding intellectual disability or mental condition in certain guardianship proceedings.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1607 by Kolkhorst
Relating to prohibiting the imposition of a monetary fine or penalty for a violation of a money services business's terms of service agreement; providing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1608 by Sparks
Relating to the election date for the authorization of the issuance of bonds or a tax increase.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1609 by Sparks
Relating to a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds or other debt.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1610 by Zaffirini
Relating to prohibiting the use of certain restraints on students enrolled in public schools who receive special education services.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1611 by Zaffirini
Relating to the definitions of abuse and neglect of a child.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1612 by Zaffirini
Relating to court administration and costs; increasing certain court costs; authorizing fees.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1613 by Perry
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Multimedia Production Program; providing tax credits; authorizing fees.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1614 by Perry
Relating to the computation of the cost of goods sold by television and radio broadcasters for purposes of the franchise tax.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1615 by Zaffirini
Relating to the cosmetology licensure compact.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1616 by Johnson
Relating to reports by the Legislative Budget Board regarding the General Appropriations Act and other fiscal actions taken by the legislature and each general appropriations bill proposed by the legislature.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1617 by Johnson
Relating to disclosure under the public information law of settlement communications maintained by or on behalf of the attorney general as part of a deceptive trade practices investigation or action.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1618 by Johnson
Relating to the regulation of group family leave insurance issued through an employer to pay for certain losses of income.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1619 by Perry
Relating to the determination of prescription drug reimbursement amounts under the Medicaid vendor drug program.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1620 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the prosecution and punishment of certain criminal offenses committed in the course of or for the purpose of unlawfully entering the United States, unlawfully bypassing certain law enforcement checkpoints, or evading an arrest or detention; increasing criminal penalties.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1621 by Kolkhorst
Relating to requiring state contractors, political subdivisions of this state, and private employers to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1622 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance listed in Penalty Group 1-B causing death; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1623 by Eckhardt
Relating to the coverage and provision of abortion and contraception under a health benefit plan and certain programs administered by this state.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1624 by Zaffirini
Relating to guardianships, alternatives to guardianship, and supports and services for incapacitated persons.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1625 by LaMantia, Alvarado, Eckhardt, Zaffirini
Relating to menstrual disorders education and informational materials for public school students.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1626 by LaMantia
Relating to an annual occupational medical examination for fire fighters.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1627 by Perry
Relating to the composition and use of money in the flood infrastructure fund.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1628 by Zaffirini
Relating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1629 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the regulation of certain nursing facilities and other long-term care facilities, including licensing requirements and Medicaid participation requirements.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1630 by Bettencourt
Relating to an attendance policy adopted by public schools to prevent truancy.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1631 by Bettencourt
Relating to certain student records required on a child's enrollment in a public school or on a child's transfer from one school district to another school district.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1632 by Bettencourt
Relating to a review by a local law enforcement agency of a school district's multihazard emergency operations plan.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1633 by Bettencourt
Relating to the establishment of a school marshal and guardian training grant program.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1634 by LaMantia
Relating to the creation of the 2nd Multicounty Court at Law in Bee, Live Oak, and McMullen Counties.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1635 by Bettencourt
Relating to the establishment of a list of approved school safety vendors by the Texas School Safety Center.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1636 by Zaffirini
Relating to the establishment of wildland-urban interface areas and the adoption and enforcement of the wildland-urban interface code; providing a civil penalty.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1637 by LaMantia
Relating to the prohibited report or disclosure by health care providers of certain health information.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1638 by Zaffirini
Relating to the authority of a supporter regarding legal proceedings granted under a supported decision-making agreement.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1639 by Zaffirini
Relating to prohibitions in connection with event ticket sales or resales on an Internet website.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1640 by Zaffirini
Relating to conducting certain contested case hearings under the Texas workers' compensation system by remote communication.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1641 by Campbell
Relating to the administration of a grant program for the establishment and expansion of community collaboratives.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1642 by Hall
Relating to the disposition of certain election records.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1643 by Hall
Relating to the process of canvassing elections.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1644 by Parker
Relating to the regulation of state banks.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1645 by Parker
Relating to the hearings officer of the Texas Department of Banking.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1646 by Parker
Relating to the regulation of state trust companies.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1647 by Parker
Relating to dropout recovery education programs.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1648 by Parker
Relating to the centennial parks conservation fund to be administered by the Parks and Wildlife Department.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1649 by Parker
Relating to trusts.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1650 by Parker
Relating to durable powers of attorney and the construction of certain powers conferred in those durable powers of attorney.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1651 by Parker
Relating to the issuance of private activity bonds for qualified residential rental projects.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1652 by Huffman
Relating to the creation, management and administration of the Texas Space Commission and the Texas Aerospace Research and Space Economy Consortium.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1653 by Huffman
Relating to the punishment for the offense of promotion of prostitution.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1654 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of electronics-enabled implements of agriculture.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1655 by Hancock
Relating to the amendment of a certificate of convenience and necessity to provide electricity service to certain water control and improvement districts.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1656 by Schwertner
Relating to the preservation of Fairfield Lake State Park; granting the power of eminent domain.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1657 by Schwertner
Relating to notice required to be given to certain individuals and entities before the Parks and Wildlife Department executes a lease for real property for the development of a state park.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1658 by Hinojosa
Relating to the collection and disclosure of certain public information.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1659 by Schwertner
Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1660 by Hughes
Relating to the qualifications necessary for a political party to have the names of its nominees placed on the ballot.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1661 by Hughes
Relating to the systems used in a central counting station.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1663 by Alvarado
Relating to the authority of a municipality to alter speed limits.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1664 by West
Relating to the establishment of the school safety technical advisory committee and the school safety accountability program.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1665 by Paxton
Relating to allowing parents and guardians to elect for a student to repeat or retake a course or grade.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1666 by Parker
Relating to an insurer's obligation under a preferred provider benefit plan for continuity of care for certain Medicaid recipients.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1667 by Parker
Relating to newborn screening.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1668 by Hughes
Relating to property owners' associations, including condominium owners' associations.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1669 by LaMantia
Relating to a study on the coverage of certain infants under Medicaid.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1670 by LaMantia
Relating to required boating incident reports.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1671 by LaMantia
Relating to the contracting authority of the Parks and Wildlife Department.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1672 by LaMantia
Relating to the regulation of elevator mechanics, elevator apprentices, and contractors; requiring an occupational registration.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1673 by LaMantia
Relating to veterinary services performed on certain animals in the care of a releasing agency.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1674 by LaMantia
Relating to authority for certain state employees to work at places other than the employees' regular or temporarily assigned places of employment and to earn compensatory time for that work.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1675 by Johnson
Relating to a pilot project to provide medical nutrition assistance to certain Medicaid recipients in this state.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1676 by Zaffirini
Relating to a bond in an appeal from a hearing for probable cause in the towing or booting of a motor vehicle.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1677 by Perry
Relating to the establishment or expansion of behavioral health centers or jail diversion centers in certain local mental health authority service areas.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1678 by Menéndez
Relating to discounts provided by package store and wine only package store permit holders on the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1679 by Menéndez
Relating to the authorization of distributors to provide malt beverage products to retailers for authorized sampling purposes.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1680 by Menéndez
Relating to the definitions of the criminal offenses of gambling, the prosecution of the criminal offenses of gambling, gambling promotion, and keeping a gambling place.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1681 by Menéndez
Relating to definitions for purposes of gambling criminal offenses.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1682 by Zaffirini
Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of cruelty to
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1683 by Hughes
Relating to the prohibition on certain discrimination in the extension of credit based on social credit or value-based standards.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1684 by Johnson
Relating to the establishment of the workforce housing program by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1685 by Blanco
Relating to eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1686 by Blanco
Relating to the reduction and plugging of orphaned oil and gas wells; providing for the imposition of a fee and an exemption from certain taxes and fees.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1687 by Blanco
Relating to the direct reimbursement of certain employers under the Skills Development Fund.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1688 by Birdwell
Relating to requirements for a qualified business participating in the enterprise zone program during a certain period.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1689 by Birdwell
Relating to claimant eligibility and initial claims under the unemployment compensation system.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1690 by Hughes
Relating to prohibiting the conservatorship of a child by a parent who removes the child from this state for certain purposes relating to gender reassignment.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1691 by Hughes
Relating to requiring operators of smart devices to provide information to users about the collection of personal data.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1692 by Blanco
Relating to the period of continuous eligibility for the medical assistance program.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1693 by Blanco
Relating to the creation, distribution, and posting of a veterans benefits and services poster in the workplace.
To Committee on Veteran Affairs.

SB 1694 by Blanco
Relating to the reimbursement rate for the provision of vagus nerve stimulation therapy system devices by certain health care providers under Medicaid.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1695 by Blanco
Relating to the establishment of the case assistance affiliate program to provide certain assistance to Medicaid recipients and child health plan program enrollees.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1696 by Blanco
Relating to the provision of certain attendant care services under Medicaid and other public benefits programs administered by the Health and Human Services Commission.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1697 by Blanco
Relating to an annual report regarding certain newborn screening tests.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1698 by Kolkhorst
Relating to peace officers commissioned by the Health and Human Services Commission's office of inspector general.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1699 by Johnson
Relating to the participation of aggregated distributed energy resources in the ERCOT market.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1700 by Blanco
Relating to the licensing and authority of advanced practice registered nurses.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1701 by Johnson
Relating to the name and governance of the Railroad Commission of Texas.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1702 by Middleton
Relating to orders providing for the conservatorship of or possession of and access to a child by the child's parents in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1703 by Middleton
Relating to a study on the impact of illegal immigration in this state.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1704 by Middleton
Relating to the state compression percentage and a school district's maximum compressed tax rate under the public school finance system.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1705 by Middleton
Relating to nominations by primary election by all political parties.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1706 by Middleton
Relating to restrictions on political contributions by out-of-state contributors; providing a civil penalty.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1707 by Middleton
Relating to reliability backup service for non-dispatchable generation resources in the ERCOT power region.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1708 by Middleton
Relating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections for noncommercial vehicles and the imposition of replacement fees.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1709 by King
Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of sedition and engaging in organized criminal activity; increasing criminal penalties.
To Committee on Border Security.

SB 1710 by Perry
Relating to universal service fund assistance to high cost rural areas and the uniform charge that funds the universal service fund.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1711 by Perry
Relating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1712 by Perry
Relating to the purchase, sale, or lease of real property.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1713 by Perry
Relating to an allotment for day placement programs under the Foundation School Program.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1714 by Perry
Relating to the consequences of a criminal conviction on a person's eligibility for an occupational license.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1715 by Perry
Relating to the establishment of a family health aide program; requiring an occupational license.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1716 by Zaffirini
Relating to term limits for certain contracts regarding airports and associated air navigation facilities operated by or on behalf of a local government.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1717 by Zaffirini
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of stalking.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1718 by Zaffirini
Relating to the regulation of private passenger vehicle rental companies.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1719 by Zaffirini
Relating to the permitting processes of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1720 by Kolkhorst
Relating to the confidentiality of the identity of a public school employee who reports a potential threat to the school's threat assessment and safe and supportive school team.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1721 by Paxton
Relating to the display of the national motto and historically significant documents to the founding of the United States in public schools and institutions of higher education.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1722 by Paxton
Relating to instructional facilities funding for certain open-enrollment charter schools.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1723 by Paxton
Relating to the backdating of referrals for certain managed care health benefit plans.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1724 by Springer
Relating to advance directives and health care treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients, including a review of those directives and decisions.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1725 by Hughes
Relating to the expunction of certain convictions or arrests of a minor for certain alcohol-related offenses.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1726 by Zaffirini
Relating to associate judges for guardianship proceedings and protective services proceedings in certain courts.
To Committee on Jurisprudence.

SB 1727 by Schwertner, Johnson, Paxton, Perry, Springer
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and the functions of the office of independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1728 by Hancock
Relating to the dedication of surplus money in the foundation school fund to reduce school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1729 by Zaffirini
Relating to the provision of solid waste disposal services by certain counties; authorizing a fee; creating a criminal offense.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1730 by Zaffirini
Relating to the processing of United States passport applications by a district court clerk; authorizing fees.
To Committee on Local Government.

SB 1731 by Hughes
Relating to human sexuality instruction provided by public schools.
To Committee on Education.

SB 1732 by Hancock
Relating to standards for certain electric vehicle charging stations.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1733 by Johnson
Relating to the establishment of a housing assistance pilot program to assist certain students enrolled in public junior colleges.
To Subcommittee on Higher Education.

SB 1734 by Johnson
Relating to the use by insurance companies of separate accounts in connection with life insurance and annuities and certain other benefits.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1735 by Johnson
Relating to a report by the Legislative Budget Board on the reliance by this state on certain dedicated revenue for purposes of budget certification.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1736 by Gutierrez
Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1737 by Gutierrez
Relating to banning the possession and use of expanding ammo; creating an offense.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1738 by Gutierrez
Relating to the automatic suspension and investigation of law enforcement personnel involved in a shooting with a child.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1739 by Gutierrez
Relating to the punishment for certain conduct constituting the offense of murder and providing for the prosecution of that conduct as capital murder; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1740 by Gutierrez
Relating to gun safety; creating an offense; increasing a criminal penalty.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 1741 by Zaffirini
Relating to the route designation for the issuance of a permit for the movement of oversize and overweight vehicles in Webb County.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1742 by Zaffirini
Relating to road specifications and safety standards for access to a solid waste facility.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SB 1743 by Hughes
Relating to increasing the maximum reference base amount for certain consumer loans.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SB 1744 by Hughes
Relating to financial responsibilities and requirements of community supervision and corrections departments and certain judges.
To Committee on Criminal Justice.

SB 1745 by Perry
Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1746 by Perry
Relating to an exemption from the requirement to obtain a permit from a groundwater conservation district for certain temporary water wells.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SB 1747 by Perry
Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis by patients with certain medical conditions.
To Committee on Health and Human Services.

SB 1748 by Johnson
Relating to a franchise tax credit for a taxable entity that employs certain former offenders.
To Committee on Finance.

SB 1749 by Hughes
Relating to procedures for the issuance of a personal identification certificate to a person 65 years of age or older whose driver's license is surrendered.
To Committee on Transportation.

SB 1750 by Bettencourt
Relating to abolishing the county elections administrator position in certain counties.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SB 2354 by Bettencourt
Relating to the establishment of the Education Savings Account Program to allow certain disadvantaged children and their siblings to use public money to pursue educational alternatives to public schools and an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made for purposes of that program.
To Committee on Education.

SCR 25 by Parker
Expressing opposition to the creation of a central bank digital currency.
To Committee on Business and Commerce.

SCR 26 by Hughes
Urging Congress to amend federal law to allow states to provide for the consolidation of federally funded workforce development services with federally funded social safety net services.
To Committee on Natural Resources and Economic Development.

SCR 27 by Creighton
Urging Congress to Repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision.
To Committee on Finance.

SCR 28 by Huffman
Urging Congress to repeal the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision of the Social Security Act.
To Committee on Finance.

SCR 29 by Creighton
Declaring an invasion of the State of Texas by transnational cartel terrorists, urging the governor to accelerate the construction of a wall along the Southern Border, and urging Congress to deploy military forces to combat transnational cartels.
To Committee on Border Security.

SCR 30 by Creighton
Condemning the Chinese Communist Party.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SCR 31 by Parker
Designating an area in Dallas as Koreatown Dallas for a 10-year period ending in 2033.
To Committee on Administration.

SJR 70 by Hughes
Proposing a constitutional amendment protecting the fundamental right of parents to raise their children.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SJR 71 by Springer
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the governor to call the legislature into special session following certain disaster or emergency declarations and specifying the powers of the legislature in those special sessions.
To Committee on State Affairs.

SJR 72 by King
Proposing a constitutional amendment protecting private schools from state and local regulation.
To Committee on Education.

SJR 73 by Paxton
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a military service member who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty.
To Committee on Local Government.

SJR 74 by Parker
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the centennial parks conservation fund to be administered by the Parks and Wildlife Department.
To Committee on Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs.

SJR 76 by Paxton
Proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision that prohibits the appropriation of state money or property for the benefit of any sect, religious society, or theological or religious seminary.
To Committee on Finance.

SJR 77 by Johnson
Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the workforce housing fund to facilitate the development of affordable workforce housing.
To Committee on Local Government.

SJR 78 by Middleton
Proposing a constitutional amendment exempting tangible personal property from ad valorem taxation.
To Committee on Local Government.


On motion of Senator Paxton, Senator Hancock will be shown as Co-author of SB 13.


On motion of Senator Birdwell, Senators Bettencourt, Flores, Hall, Middleton, Paxton, Sparks, and Springer will be shown as Co-authors of SB 29.


On motion of Senator Zaffirini, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 63.


On motion of Senator Menéndez, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 110.


On motion of Senator Miles, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 194.


On motion of Senator Alvarado, Senator Campbell will be shown as Co-author of SB 224.


On motion of Senator Hall, Senator Schwertner will be shown as Co-author of SB 237.


On motion of Senator Hall, Senator Bettencourt will be shown as Co-author of SB 249.


On motion of Senator Zaffirini, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 353.


On motion of Senator Zaffirini, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 382.


On motion of Senator Hughes, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 554.


On motion of Senator Menéndez, Senator Campbell will be shown as Co-author of SB 629.


On motion of Senator Hughes, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 762.


On motion of Senator Kolkhorst, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 778.


On motion of Senator Hughes, Senator Menéndez will be shown as Co-author of SB 780.


On motion of Senator Gutierrez, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 914.


On motion of Senator Huffman, Senator Parker will be shown as Co-author of SB 1004.


On motion of Senator Miles, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 1356.


On motion of Senator Parker, Senator West will be shown as Co-author of SB 1379.


On motion of Senator Perry, Senators Bettencourt and Paxton will be shown as Co-authors of SB 1967.


On motion of Senator Menéndez, Senator LaMantia will be shown as Co-author of SB 2185.


On motion of Senator LaMantia, Senator Hinojosa will be shown as Co-author of SB 2232.


On motion of Senator LaMantia, Senator Hinojosa will be shown as Co-author of SB 2233.


On motion of Senator Kolkhorst, Senator Parker will be shown as Co-author of SJR 39.


On motion of Senator Huffman, Senator Bettencourt will be shown as Co-author of SJR 44.


On motion of Senator Birdwell, Senator Bettencourt will be shown as Co-author of SJR 52.


The following resolutions were adopted by the Senate:

Congratulatory Resolutions

SR 317 by Birdwell, Flores, Hall, King, Kolkhorst, and Schwertner, Recognizing the Tenth Court of Appeals on the occasion of its centennial.

SR 318 by Flores, Recognizing Dianne Gattuso for 50 years of service to the State of Texas.

SR 319 by Flores, Recognizing Robert L. Hurley on the occasion of his retirement.


Pursuant to a previously adopted motion, the Senate at 1:01 p.m. adjourned until 3:00 p.m. Monday, March 20, 2023.



The following committee reports were received by the Secretary of the Senate in the order listed:

March 16, 2023

FINANCE — SB 341, SB 4

BUSINESS AND COMMERCE — SB 58, SB 315, SB 335, CSSB 159, CSSB 222, CSSB 271, CSSB 621, CSSB 640


March 16, 2023

SB 156, SB 497, SB 599, SB 643, SB 780, SB 801


March 16, 2023

SR 308, SR 317, SR 318, SR 319